if(class_exists('\Textpattern\Tag\Registry')) {
@require_plugin('soo_plugin_pref'); // optional
if (@txpinterface == 'admin') {
register_callback('soo_plugin_display_manage_prefs', 'plugin_prefs.soo_plugin_display');
register_callback('soo_plugin_display_manage_prefs', 'plugin_lifecycle.soo_plugin_display');
function soo_plugin_display_manage_prefs($event, $step)
if (function_exists('soo_plugin_pref')) {
return soo_plugin_pref($event, $step, soo_plugin_display_pref_spec());
// message to install soo_plugin_pref
if ( substr($event, 0, 12) == 'plugin_prefs' ) {
$plugin = substr($event, 13);
$message = '<p><br /><strong>'.gTxt('edit')." $plugin ".
gTxt('edit_preferences').':</strong><br />'.gTxt('install_plugin').
' <a href="http://ipsedixit.net/txp/92/soo_plugin_pref">soo_plugin_pref</a></p>';
pagetop(gTxt('edit_preferences')." › $plugin", $message);
function soo_plugin_display_pref_spec()
return array(
'default_form' => array(
'val' => '',
'html' => 'text_input',
'text' => 'Default output form for <b>soo_plugin_display</b> tag',
'strip_style' => array(
'val' => 0,
'html' => 'yesnoradio',
'text' => 'Remove leading <style> element from Help text?',
'strip_title' => array(
'val' => 0,
'html' => 'yesnoradio',
'text' => 'Remove first <h1> element from Help text?',
'size_format' => array(
'val' => '{size} KB',
'html' => 'text_input',
'text' => 'Default format string for <b>soo_plugin_size</b>',
'highlight' => array(
'val' => 1,
'html' => 'yesnoradio',
'text' => 'Add syntax highlighting to <b>soo_plugin_code</b>?',
'show_line_numbers' => array(
'val' => ':',
'html' => 'text_input',
'text' => 'Text to append to line numbers (leave blank to hide numbers)',
'tab_stop' => array(
'val' => 4,
'html' => 'text_input',
'text' => 'Spaces per tab in plugin code',
function soo_plugin_display_prefs($pref = null)
static $prefs;
if (! $prefs) {
foreach (soo_plugin_display_pref_spec() as $name => $spec) {
$prefs[$name] = $spec['val'];
if (function_exists('soo_plugin_pref_vals')) {
$prefs = array_merge($prefs, soo_plugin_pref_vals('soo_plugin_display'));
return $pref ? $prefs[$pref] : $prefs;
// Tags //
// tag to select plugin(s) for display
// can be used as single w/form or container
// for plugin lists code and help are not retrieved
function soo_plugin_display($atts, $thing = '')
global $soo_plugin_display;
'name' => '',
'prefix' => '',
'form' => soo_plugin_display_prefs('default_form'),
'show_inactive' => 0,
'sort' => 'name asc',
'wraptag' => '',
'break' => '',
'class' => '',
'html_id' => '',
), $atts));
$columns = 'author, author_uri, version, description, name, '.
'round(char_length(code)/1024, 1) as size'.( $name ? ', help, code' : '' );
if ($name or $prefix) {
$where = ( $name ? "name = '$name'" : "name like '$prefix%'" )
.( ( $show_inactive or $name ) ? '' : ' and status = 1' );
} else {
$where = $show_inactive ? 1 : 'status = 1';
$where .= " order by $sort";
if (! $data = safe_rows($columns, 'txp_plugin', $where)) return;
foreach ($data as $r) {
$soo_plugin_display = $r;
$out[] = $thing ? parse($thing) : parse_form($form);
if (isset($out)) {
return doWrap($out, $wraptag, $break, $class, '', '', '', $html_id);
// basic output tags: display field direct from database
function soo_plugin_author_uri() { return _soo_plugin_field('author_uri'); }
function soo_plugin_version() { return _soo_plugin_field('version'); }
function soo_plugin_description() { return _soo_plugin_field('description'); }
// as above, but with option to make output a link to author's website
function soo_plugin_author($atts) { return _soo_plugin_field('author_uri', $atts); }
function soo_plugin_name($atts) { return _soo_plugin_field('name', $atts); }
// display plugin help, with options to remove leading style and/or h1 elements,
// and option to restrict display to named section
function soo_plugin_help($atts)
$prefs = soo_plugin_display_prefs();
'strip_style' => $prefs['strip_style'],
'strip_title' => $prefs['strip_title'],
'section_id' => '', // HTML id for header element to display
'h_plus' => 0, // transpose header levels by this amount
), $atts));
$help = _soo_plugin_field('help');
// remove leading <style> element
if ($strip_style and preg_match('/^<style/', $help))
$help = preg_replace('/^[\s\S]+?<\/style>([\s\S]+)$/', '$1', $help);
// remove leading <h1> element
if ($strip_title)
$help = preg_replace('/^([\s\S]+?)<h1[\s\S]+?<\/h1>([\s\S]+)$/', '$1$2', $help);
// display from named header element to next header with same or lower h-level
if ($section_id) {
$pattern = "/^([\s\S]+)<h()([^>]+id=['\"]$section_id('|\").+?>[\s\S]+)$/";
if (preg_match($pattern, $help, $match)) {
list( , , $h_num, $remainder) = $match;
$help = '';
$pattern = '/^([\s\S]+?)<h()([\s\S]+)$/';
$remainder = "<h$h_num$remainder";
while (preg_match($pattern, $remainder, $match)) {
list( , $keep, $next_h, $remainder) = $match;
$help .= $keep;
$remainder = "<h$next_h$remainder";
if ($h_num >= $next_h) $remainder = '';
if (! $help) $help = $remainder;
// transpose HTML header levels.
if ($h_plus) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
$j = $i + $h_plus;
if ( $j < 1 ) $j = 1;
if ( $j > 6 ) $j = 6;
$old_tag[] = "<h$i";
$old_tag[] = "</h$i";
$new_tag[] = "<h$j";
$new_tag[] = "</h$j";
$help = str_replace($old_tag, $new_tag, $help);
return $help;
// display installed code size in KB
function soo_plugin_size($atts)
'format' => soo_plugin_display_prefs('size_format'),
), $atts));
$size = _soo_plugin_field('size');
return str_replace('{size}', $size, $format);
// display plugin source code
// code highlighting with named classes for styling
// various options for line numbering
// display full source or named function, class, or method
function soo_plugin_code($atts)
$prefs = soo_plugin_display_prefs();
'highlight' => $prefs['highlight'],
'show_line_numbers' => $prefs['show_line_numbers'],
'reindex_lines' => 0,
'tab_stop' => $prefs['tab_stop'],
'function' => '',
'php_class' => '',
'class' => 'soo_plugin_code',
'html_id' => '',
), $atts));
$raw_code = trim(_soo_plugin_field('code'));
$match_index = 2;
$safety_check = true;
// find named method: assumes end brace one tab in from start of line
if ($php_class and $function) {
$pattern = '/([\s\S]*(abstract|)\s*class\s+'
. $php_class . '\s+[\s\S]*?\{[\s\S]+?)(\t(public|private|protected)?\s*function\s+'
. $function . '\s*\([\s\S]+?\n\t}.*)[\s\S]*/';
$match_index ++;
// find named function: assumes end brace at start of line
elseif ($function)
$pattern = '/([\s\S]*)((public|private|protected)?\s*function\s+'
// find named class: assumes end brace at start of line
elseif ($php_class)
$pattern = '/([\s\S]*?)((abstract|)\s*class\s+'
else $safety_check = false;
// safety check is because the preg_match() can take a long time if there is no match
if ($safety_check)
if ($function and ! preg_match("/$function\s*\(/", $raw_code)) return;
if ($php_class and ! preg_match("/class\s*$php_class\s+/", $raw_code))
if (isset($pattern)) {
if (! preg_match($pattern, $raw_code, $match)) return;
$raw_code = $match[$match_index];
// if not reindexing, find starting line number in full source code
$start_line = $reindex_lines ?
$reindex_lines : count(explode(n, $match[1]));
// convert tabs to spaces, retaining tab stop alignment
foreach (explode(n, $raw_code) as $line) {
$bucket = array();
foreach (str_split($line) as $char)
if ($char == t) {
$add = $tab_stop - fmod(count($bucket), $tab_stop);
while ( $add ) {
$bucket[] = ' ';
$add --;
} else
$bucket[] = $char;
$lines[] = implode('', $bucket);
if (! $highlight)
return implode(n, array_map('htmlspecialchars', $lines));
$find = array(sp, br, '<code>', '</code>');
$replace = array(' ', n, '', '');
// names of code highlight types from ini_get()
// highlight_string() output style attributes will be replaced by named classes
foreach (array('bg', 'comment', 'default', 'html', 'keyword', 'string') as $k) {
$find[] = 'style="color: ' . ini_get("highlight.$k") . '"';
$replace[] = "class=\"php_$k\"";
$start_line = 1;
// run highlight_string(), clean up
$h_s = highlight_string("<?php\n".implode(n, $lines)."\n?>", true);
$lines = str_replace($find, $replace, explode(br, $h_s));
$lines[0] = '<span class="php_html">' . $lines[0];
$lines[count($lines)-1] .= '</span>';
// add line numbers
$total_lines = $start_line + count($lines) - 1;
foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
if ($show_line_numbers) {
$i += $start_line;
$line = "<span class=\"php_comment\">$i $show_line_numbers</span> $line";
if ( $i < 1000 and $total_lines > 999 ) $line = sp . $line;
if ( $i < 100 and $total_lines > 99 ) $line = sp . $line;
if ( $i < 10 ) $line = sp . $line;
$code[] = $line;
$tag_atts = ( $class ? " class=\"$class\"" : '' ).( $html_id ? " id=\"$html_id\"" : '' );
return "<pre$tag_atts><code$tag_atts>".implode(n, $code).'</code></pre>';
// Support Functions //
function _soo_plugin_field($field, $atts = null)
if (is_array($atts))
'link' => 1,
), $atts));
global $soo_plugin_display;
$author_uri = $soo_plugin_display['author_uri'];
if (isset($soo_plugin_display[$field])) {
$out = $soo_plugin_display[$field];
return ( ! empty($link) and $author_uri ) ? href($out, $author_uri) : $out;