* smd_ebook
* A Textpattern CMS plugin for creating e-books (Kindle) from Txp content
* -> Content can be in one article or across many
* -> Article image of one of the articles is used as cover art
* -> Automatic TOC generation and page breaks from Textiled markup
* -> Support for book description
* @author Stef Dawson
* @link http://stefdawson.com/
global $smd_ebook_prefs;
if(@txpinterface == 'admin') {
global $smd_ebook_event, $smd_ebook_styles;
$smd_ebook_event = 'smd_ebook';
$smd_ebook_styles = array(
'cpanel' =>
'.smd_hidden { display:none; }
.smd_active { font-weight:bold; }
.smd_clear { clear:both; }
.smd_preselected { opacity:0.6; font-style:italic; }
.smd_selected { border-top:solid #444; border-bottom:solid #444; }
.smd_important { color:red; }
.smd_inline { display:inline; }
.txp-container, .txp-control-panel { text-align:center; }
#smd_ebook_preview { display:none; position:absolute; top:1em; left:1em; margin:0 auto; text-align:left; border:2px ridge #999; background:#ececec; max-width:640px; min-width:300px; box-shadow: 8px 8px 15px #b9b9b9; }
#smd_ebook_preview_close { float:right; cursor:pointer; margin-left:1em;}
#smd_ebook_preview_content { padding:1em; }
#smd_ebook_preview_titlebar { padding:5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; font-size:120%; background:#ccc;;}
#smd_ebook_form { margin:0 auto; width:80%; }
#smd_ebook_form label, #smd_ebook_create { display:block; }
#smd_ebook_prefs input[type="text"] { width:250px }
.smd_ebook_manager { position:relative; margin:0 auto; width:80% }
.smd_ebook_buttons { display:inline-block; margin:0 2em; }
.smd_ebook_report textarea { width:80%; }
#smd_ebook_editor { display:block; width:75%}
.smd_ebook_files { float:left; width:25% }
.smd_ebook_mobi_options { text-align:right; }
.smd_ebook_entity { float:left; margin:1em; }
#smd_ebook_form label, .smd_ebook_report, .smd_ebook_manager { margin-top:1.5em; }
.smd_ebook_file { display:block; line-height:1.5; }',
$pub_prv = get_pref('smd_ebook_privs', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_privs']['default']);
add_privs($smd_ebook_event, '1'. (($pub_prv) ? ','.$pub_prv: '') );
add_privs('plugin_prefs.'.$smd_ebook_event, '1');
register_tab('content', $smd_ebook_event, smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_tab_name'));
register_callback('smd_ebook_dispatcher', $smd_ebook_event);
register_callback('smd_ebook_dispatcher', 'plugin_prefs.'.$smd_ebook_event);
register_callback('smd_ebook_welcome', 'plugin_lifecycle.'.$smd_ebook_event);
// ********************
// ********************
// Plugin jump off point
function smd_ebook_dispatcher($evt, $stp) {
global $smd_ebook_event;
$available_steps = array(
'smd_ebook' => false,
'smd_ebook_prefs' => true,
'smd_ebook_create' => true,
'smd_ebook_generate' => true,
'smd_ebook_loadfile' => true,
'smd_ebook_savefile' => true,
'smd_ebook_viewfile' => true,
'smd_ebook_test' => true,
'smd_ebook_tidy' => true,
'save_pane_state' => true,
if ($stp == 'save_pane_state') {
} else if (!$stp or !bouncer($stp, $available_steps)) {
$stp = $smd_ebook_event;
// ------------------------
function smd_ebook_welcome($evt, $stp) {
$msg = '';
switch ($stp) {
case 'installed':
$msg = 'Go publish!';
case 'deleted':
return $msg;
// ------------------------
// Stub with correct signature for being called via Txp
function smd_ebook($evt='', $stp='') {
// ------------------------
// Interface for compiling the book
function smd_ebook_ui($msg='', $listfile='', $report = '', $retval='') {
global $smd_ebook_event, $smd_ebook_prefs, $smd_ebook_styles, $prefs;
pagetop(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_tab_name'), $msg);
$btnbar = (has_privs('plugin_prefs.'.$smd_ebook_event))? '<span class="smd_ebook_buttons">'.$btnMgr.$btnPrf.$btnCln.'</span>' : '';
// Inject styles
echo n.'<style type="text/css">' . $smd_ebook_styles['cpanel'] . '</style>';
echo n.'<div id="'.$smd_ebook_event.'_control" class="txp-control-panel">' . $btnbar . '</div>';
if (!$listfile) {
// Stage 1: Gather the info and create the content
// Figure out if the various fields are coming from CFs or from user-supplied text areas
$fields = array(
'description' => array(
'html' => 'textarea',
'authornote' => array(
'html' => 'textarea',
'title' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'required' => true,
'chaptitle' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'hide_empty' => true,
'author' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'publisher' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'subject' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'srp' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
$cfs = getCustomFields();
foreach ($fields as $field => $data) {
$data['value'] = get_pref('smd_ebook_fld_'.$field, $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_fld_'.$field]['default']);
$data['column'] = is_numeric($data['value']) ? 'custom_'.$data['value'] : $data['value'];
$data['name'] = (is_numeric($data['value']) && isset($cfs[$data['value']])) ? $cfs[$data['value']] : $data['value'];
$data['content'] = ($data['value'] == 'SMD_FIXED') ? get_pref('smd_ebook_fld_'.$field.'_fixed', '') : '';
$data['required'] = isset($data['required']) ? $data['required'] : false;
$data['hide_empty'] = isset($data['hide_empty']) ? $data['hide_empty'] : false;
${'ip_'.$field} = '<div class="smd_ebook_entity">' . ( ($data['content'] || ($data['name']=='' && $data['hide_empty']))
? hInput('smd_ebook_fld_'.$field, htmlspecialchars($data['content']))
: '<label for="smd_ebook_fld_'.$field.'">' . smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_'.$field) . '</label>'
. ( ($data['column'])
? hInput('smd_ebook_fld_'.$field, 'SMD_FLD_'.$data['column'])
. '<span class="smd_preselected">' . smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_from').' '.str_replace('SMD_FLD_', '', $data['name']) . '</span>'
: ( ($data['html'] == 'textarea')
? text_area('smd_ebook_fld_'.$field, '150', '250', '', 'smd_ebook_fld_'.$field)
: fInput('text', 'smd_ebook_fld_'.$field, '', '', '', '', '', '', 'smd_ebook_fld_'.$field, '', $data['required'])
) . '</div>';
$where = array('1=1');
$sec = get_pref('smd_ebook_section', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_section']['default']);
if ($sec) {
$where[] = "Section='" . doSlash($sec) . "'";
$articles = safe_rows('*', 'textpattern', join(' AND ', $where). ' ORDER BY url_title');
// Build dropdown list of articles: not using selectInput() because it doesn't support multiples
$alist = array();
$alist[] = '<select name="smd_ebook_articles[]" id="smd_ebook_articles" class="list multiple" multiple="multiple" size="12" required="">';
foreach ($articles as $row) {
$alist[] = '<option value="smd_ebook_article_'.htmlspecialchars($row['ID']).'">' . htmlspecialchars($row['Title']) . '</option>';
$alist[] = '</select>';
echo n.'<div id="'.$smd_ebook_event.'_container" class="txp-container">';
echo n.'<form id="smd_ebook_form" action="index.php" method="post">';
echo n.'<div class="smd_ebook_entity"><label for="smd_ebook_articles">' . smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_articles') . '</label>';
echo join(n, $alist);
echo n.'</div>';
echo n. $ip_description .n. $ip_authornote .n. $ip_title .n. $ip_chaptitle .n. $ip_author .n. $ip_publisher .n.$ip_subject .n. $ip_srp;
echo n.'<div class="smd_clear"></div>';
echo n.fInput('submit', 'smd_ebook_create', smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_create'), 'publish', '', '', '', '', 'smd_ebook_create');
echo n.eInput($smd_ebook_event);
echo n.sInput('smd_ebook_create');
echo n.tInput();
echo '</form>';
echo '</div>';
} else {
// Stage 2: Edit the content and generate the kindle file
$titlePrefix = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_preview_prefix');
$qs = array(
"event" => $smd_ebook_event,
$qsVars = "index.php".join_qs($qs);
echo <<<EOJS
<script type="text/javascript">
var smd_ebook_currfile;
jQuery(function() {
// Load a file into the editor
jQuery('.smd_ebook_files .smd_ebook_file').click(function(ev) {
// Spinner and user feedback
var form = jQuery(this).closest('form');
s = jQuery(ev.currentTarget);
s.after('<span class="spinner"></span>')
var me = jQuery(this);
var name = me.text();
smd_ebook_currfile = name;
step: 'smd_ebook_loadfile',
name: name,
_txp_token: textpattern._txp_token
function(data) {
jQuery('.smd_ebook_files .smd_ebook_file').removeClass('smd_selected');
// Save the current file back to the file system
jQuery('.smd_ebook_filesave').click(function(ev) {
// Spinner and user feedback
var form = jQuery(this).closest('form');
s = jQuery(ev.currentTarget);
s.after('<span class="spinner"></span>')
var content = jQuery('#smd_ebook_editor').val();
step: 'smd_ebook_savefile',
name: smd_ebook_currfile,
data: content,
_txp_token: textpattern._txp_token
function(data) {
jQuery('.smd_ebook_files .smd_ebook_file').removeClass('smd_selected');
// Preview an html file in its own popup window
var smd_ebook_previewing = 0;
jQuery('.smd_ebook_files .smd_ebook_view').click(function(ev) {
// Spinner and user feedback
var form = jQuery(this).closest('form');
s = jQuery(ev.currentTarget);
s.after('<span class="spinner"></span>')
var me = jQuery(this).prev();
var name = me.text();
step: 'smd_ebook_viewfile',
name: name,
_txp_token: textpattern._txp_token
function(data) {
// Grab body text and inject it into the preview container
jQuery('#smd_ebook_preview_title').text('{$titlePrefix} ' + name);
if ((jQuery(ev.target).hasClass('smd_ebook_view')) && !smd_ebook_previewing) {
function smd_ebook_prevu() {
smd_ebook_previewing = !smd_ebook_previewing;
function smd_ebook_prevu_bind() {
if(e.keyCode==27 && smd_ebook_previewing) {
echo n.'<div id="'.$smd_ebook_event.'_container" class="txp-container">';
echo n.'<form id="smd_ebook_form" action="index.php" method="post">';
echo n.'<div class="smd_ebook_report">'
. hed(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_report'), 2)
. '<textarea id="smd_ebook_report" cols=80 rows="6">'.$report.'</textarea>'
. '</div>';
echo n.'<div class="smd_ebook_manager">';
// 'Generate book' and 'download' buttons
echo '<div class="smd_ebook_mobi_options">';
echo n.fInput('submit', 'smd_ebook_generate', smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_generate'), 'publish smd_ebook_mobi');
if ($retval <= 1) {
$info = explode ('.',$listfile);
$basepart = array_slice($info, 0, count($info)-1);
$mobifile = join('', $basepart) . '.mobi';
echo n.hInput('smd_ebook_mobifile', $mobifile);
echo n.fInput('submit', 'smd_ebook_to_files', smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_to_files'), 'publish smd_ebook_mobi');;
echo n.fInput('submit', 'smd_ebook_download', smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_download'), 'publish smd_ebook_mobi');;
echo '</div>';
echo n.hed(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_files'), 2);
echo n.'<div class="smd_ebook_files">';
$opf_edit = get_pref('smd_ebook_opf_edit', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_opf_edit']['default']);
$opf_allowed = do_list($opf_edit);
$opf_allowed[] = '1'; // Publishers can always edit .opf
$can_opf = in_array($GLOBALS['privs'], $opf_allowed);
$files = file($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $listfile);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$info = explode ('.',$file);
$lastpart = count($info)-1;
$ext = trim($info[$lastpart]);
if ($ext == 'opf') {
echo n.hInput('smd_ebook_opf_file', $file);
if ($ext != 'opf' || ($ext == 'opf' && $can_opf)) {
echo n.'<a href="#" class="smd_ebook_file">'.trim($file).'</a>';
if ($ext == 'html') {
echo n.'<a href="#" class="smd_ebook_view">'.smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_view').'</a>';
echo n.'<button class="smd_ebook_filesave smallerbox">'.gTxt('save').'</button>';
echo n.'</div>';
echo n.'<div class="smd_ebook_editor">';
echo n.'<textarea id="smd_ebook_editor" cols="60" rows="25"></textarea>';
echo n.'</div>';
echo n.'<div id="smd_ebook_preview">
<div id="smd_ebook_preview_titlebar">
<span id="smd_ebook_preview_title"></span>
<a id="smd_ebook_preview_close">X</a>
<div id="smd_ebook_preview_content"></div>
echo n.hInput('smd_ebook_listfile', $listfile);
echo n.eInput($smd_ebook_event);
echo n.sInput('smd_ebook_generate');
echo n.tInput();
echo n.'</div>';
echo n.'</form>';
echo n.'<div class="smd_clear"></div>';
echo n.'</div>';
// ------------------------
function smd_ebook_loadfile() {
global $prefs;
$name = sanitizeForFile(ps('name'));
$file = file($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $name);
if ($file) {
send_xml_response(array('smd_ebook_filedata' => str_replace(array("'"), array('''), join('', $file)) ));
} else {
send_xml_response(array('http-status' => '400 Bad Request'));
exit; // Don't display page_end
// ------------------------
function smd_ebook_savefile() {
global $prefs;
$name = sanitizeForFile(ps('name'));
$content = ps('data');
$fp = fopen($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $name, "wb");
fwrite($fp, trim($content));
if ($fp) {
} else {
send_xml_response(array('http-status' => '400 Bad Request'));
exit; // Don't display page_end
// ------------------------
// Extract a subset of the HTML file for display
function smd_ebook_viewfile() {
global $prefs, $path_to_site;
$name = sanitizeForFile(ps('name'));
$file = file_get_contents($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $name);
if ($file) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$domxpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$newDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');
$nodeStyle = $domxpath->query('//style');
$nodeList = $domxpath->query('//body');
// Create a new document and import the document subsets
$newDoc->appendChild($newDoc->importNode($nodeStyle->item(0), true));
$newDoc->appendChild($newDoc->importNode($nodeList->item(0), true));
$out = $newDoc->saveHTML();
send_xml_response(array('smd_ebook_filedata' => str_replace(array("'", $path_to_site.DS), array(''', ihu), $out) ));
} else {
send_xml_response(array('http-status' => '400 Bad Request'));
exit; // Don't display page_end
// ------------------------
function smd_ebook_templates() {
// .opf file template
$template['opf'] = <<<EOOPF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{smd_ebook_encoding}"?>
<package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" version="2.0" {smd_ebook_uid_ref}>
<metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf">
<output encoding="{smd_ebook_encoding}" content-type="text/x-oeb1-document"></output>
<spine {smd_ebook_spine_ncx_ref}>
// .ncx file template
$template['ncx'] = <<<EONCX
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{smd_ebook_encoding}"?>
<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"
<ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1" xml:lang="{smd_ebook_lang}">
// navPoint template (a portion of the .ncx file)
$template['nav'] = <<<EONAV
<navPoint class="titlepage" id="{smd_ebook_nav_hash}" playOrder="{smd_ebook_nav_idx}">
<content src="{smd_ebook_file_name}#{smd_ebook_nav_hash}" />
// TOC template
$template['toc'] = <<<EOTOC
<title>Table of Contents</title>
// HTML template
$template['doc'] = <<<EOTOC
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={smd_ebook_encoding}" />
return $template;
// ------------------------
// Stage 1: create the files necessary for generation of the book.
// The actual generation via kindlegen is a separate step.
function smd_ebook_create() {
global $smd_ebook_prefs, $prefs, $img_dir;
@include_once txpath.'/lib/classTextile.php';
@include_once txpath.'/publish.php'; // for parse()
$textile = new Textile();
$template = smd_ebook_templates();
$msg = '';
$report = $toc = $ncx = $reps = array();
// Get Textile and encoding options
$encoding = get_pref('smd_ebook_encoding', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_encoding']['default']);
$which = get_pref('smd_ebook_textile', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_textile']['default']);
$txt_description = in_list('description', $which);
$txt_authornote = in_list('authornote', $which);
// Build up a giant replacement table which is then substituted into
// the various templates before passing to kindlegen
// Populate the unique ID entries direcly into the .opf template as they're only used once each
$uid = get_pref('smd_ebook_uid', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_uid']['default']);
$template['opf'] = str_replace('{smd_ebook_uid_ref}', (($uid) ? 'unique-identifier="uid"' : ''), $template['opf']);
$template['opf'] = str_replace('{smd_ebook_md_uid}', (($uid) ? '<dc:identifier id="uid">' . $uid . '</dc:identifier>' : ''), $template['opf']);
$template['ncx'] = str_replace('{smd_ebook_dtb_uid}', (($uid) ? '<meta name="dtb:uid" content="uid"/>' : ''), $template['ncx']);
// Set up the TOC wrappers
$toc_wrap = get_pref('smd_ebook_toc_wraptag', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_toc_wraptag']['default']);
$toc_class = get_pref('smd_ebook_toc_class', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_toc_class']['default']);
$wrapit = ($toc_wrap == 'ol') ? '#' : '*';
$article_cnt = $ncx_cnt = $elem_cnt = 0;
$article_refs = $article_spines = array();
// Page break, stylesheet and heading references
$pbr = get_pref('smd_ebook_page_break', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_page_break']['default']);
$css = get_pref('smd_ebook_stylesheet', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_stylesheet']['default']);
$hdg = get_pref('smd_ebook_heading_level', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_heading_level']['default']);
if ($css) {
$sheet = safe_field('css', 'txp_css', "name='" . doSlash($css) . "'");
$sheet = ($sheet) ? '<style type="text/css">' . $sheet . '</style>' : '';
// Loop for each article in the collection
foreach (ps('smd_ebook_articles') as $artid) {
$id = str_replace('smd_ebook_article_', '', $artid);
$row = safe_row('*', 'textpattern', "ID = '" . doSlash($id) . "'");
if ($row) {
// Initialize a few things
$note_content = '';
$reps['{smd_ebook_file_name}'] = $row['url_title'] . '.html';
$reps['{smd_ebook_encoding}'] = $encoding;
$cur_file = $row['url_title'] . '.html';
// Each of the items starting !isset() are only ever loaded _once_ from the
// first article in which they are found.
// Begin by setting up the file names
if (!isset($firstfile)) {
$firstfile = $row['url_title'] . '.html';
$listfile = $row['url_title'] . '.smd';
$notefile = $row['url_title'] . '_notes.html';
$toc_file = $row['url_title'] . '_toc.html';
$ncx_file = $row['url_title'] . '.ncx';
$opf_file = $row['url_title'] . '.opf';
// Language
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_lang}'])) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_lang}'] = '<dc:language>'.$prefs['language'].'</dc:language>';
$reps['{smd_ebook_lang}'] = $prefs['language'];
// Author can come from:
// 1) an article field
// 2) the current logged in user
// 3) user-supplied at book creation time
// 4) hard-coded in plugin settings
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_creator}'])) {
$val = ps('smd_ebook_fld_author');
if (strpos($val, 'SMD_FLD_') !== false) {
$valfld = str_replace('SMD_FLD_', '', $val);
$val = isset($row[$valfld]) ? ( ($valfld == 'AuthorID') ? get_author_name($row[$valfld]) : $row[$valfld] ) : '';
if ($val) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_creator}'] = '<dc:creator>'.$val.'</dc:creator>';
$reps['{smd_ebook_creator}'] = $val;
// Publication date
// TODO: reformat?
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_date}'])) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_date}'] = '<dc:date>'.($row['Posted']).'</dc:date>';
// Cover image
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_cover}'])) {
if (isset($row['Image'])) {
$img = safe_row('*', 'txp_image', "id='" . intval($row['Image']) . "'");
// Only GIFs and JPGs need apply
$mime_type = (($img['ext'] == '.jpg') ? 'image/jpeg' : (($img['ext'] == '.gif') ? 'image/gif' : ''));
if ($mime_type) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_cover}'] = '<meta name="cover" content="cover-image" />';
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_cover}'] = '<item id="cover-image" media-type="'.$mime_type.'" href="' . $prefs['path_to_site'] . DS . $img_dir . DS . $img['id'] . $img['ext'] . '" />';
// The following values can either come from the given field or be used verbatim
// Firstly the title, description, subject, publisher and chapter title
$setMany = array('chaptitle');
foreach (array('title', 'description', 'subject', 'publisher', 'chaptitle') as $thingy) {
if (in_array($thingy, $setMany) || !isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_'.$thingy.'}'])) {
$val = ps('smd_ebook_fld_'.$thingy);
if (strpos($val, 'SMD_FLD_') !== false) {
$valfld = str_replace('SMD_FLD_', '', $val);
$val = isset($row[$valfld]) ? $row[$valfld] : '';
if ($val) {
// Textile the content?
$content = (isset($txt_{$thingy}) && $txt_{$thingy}) ? trim($textile->TextileThis($val)) : trim($val);
if (!in_array($thingy, $setMany)) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_'.$thingy.'}'] = '<dc:'.$thingy.'>' . $content . '</dc:'.$thingy.'>';
// There are two titles: one for the metadata and one raw so if the title
// has just been found, populate the raw title too
if ($thingy == 'title') {
$reps['{smd_ebook_title}'] = $content;
} else if ($thingy == 'chaptitle') {
// Chapter title has an associated heading level
$reps['{smd_ebook_chaptitle}'] = '<h'.$hdg.'>'.$content.'</h'.$hdg.'>';
// Price (SRP) can also come from a field but it needs some special jiggery pokery
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_srp}'])) {
$val = ps('smd_ebook_fld_srp');
if (strpos($val, 'SMD_FLD_') !== false) {
$valfld = str_replace('SMD_FLD_', '', $val);
$val = isset($row[$valfld]) ? $row[$valfld] : '';
if ($val) {
$parts = do_list($val, '|');
$parts[0] = $parts[0] ? $parts[0] : '0.00';
$parts[1] = (isset($parts[1]) && $parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : get_pref('smd_ebook_currency', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_currency']['default']);
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_srp}'] = '<SRP Currency="'.$parts[1].'">'.$parts[0].'</SRP>';
// Authornote is slightly different because it needs storing as a file,
// and needs adding to the .ncx (but not to the TOC)
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_authornote}'])) {
$val = ps('smd_ebook_fld_authornote');
if (strpos($val, 'SMD_FLD_') !== false) {
$valfld = str_replace('SMD_FLD_', '', $val);
$val = isset($row[$valfld]) ? $row[$valfld] : '';
if ($val) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_authornote}'] = '<item id="smd_ebook_notes" media-type="text/html" href="'.$notefile.'" />';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_authornote}'] = '<itemref idref="smd_ebook_notes" />';
$note_content = '<span id="smd_ebook_notes"></span>' . (($txt_authornote) ? $textile->TextileThis($val) : $val);
// While it's 99% likely the actual title used for the eventual book has been found,
// there's a slim chance it hasn't. In that case, the current row's title is used as a fallback
$note_title = isset($reps['{smd_ebook_title}']) ? $reps['{smd_ebook_title}'] : $row['Title'];
$note_content = str_replace(array('{smd_ebook_encoding}', '{smd_ebook_title}', '{smd_ebook_chaptitle}', '{smd_ebook_stylesheet}', '{smd_ebook_contents}'), array($encoding, $note_title, '', $sheet, $note_content), $template['doc']);
$fp = fopen($prefs['tempdir'].DS.$notefile, "wb");
fwrite($fp, trim($note_content));
$lfout[] = $notefile;
// Add it to the .ncx
$from = array('{smd_ebook_file_name}', '{smd_ebook_nav_label}', '{smd_ebook_nav_hash}', '{smd_ebook_nav_idx}');
$to = array($notefile, smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_authornote'), 'smd_ebook_notes', $ncx_cnt);
$ncx[] = str_replace($from, $to, $template['nav']);
// Note:
// 1) a full (well-formed, hopefully) HTML file (from <html>...</html>) is generated
// here so the loadHTML() method is happy. The body will need reinjecting into
// the template after the ToC has been generated.
// 2) The current HTML file's title is used instead of the overall book title.
// 3) parse() is called twice to simulate secondpass.
$chap_title = isset($reps['{smd_ebook_chaptitle}']) ? $reps['{smd_ebook_chaptitle}'] : '';
article_format_info($row); // Load article context
$html_content = str_replace(array('{smd_ebook_encoding}', '{smd_ebook_title}', '{smd_ebook_chaptitle}', '{smd_ebook_stylesheet}', '{smd_ebook_contents}'), array($encoding, $row['Title'], $chap_title, $sheet, parse(parse($row['Body_html']))), $template['doc']);
// Trawl through the HTML content, either:
// a) pulling out the ToC entries.
// b) creating ToC entries if the pref allows
$autotoc = get_pref('smd_ebook_auto_toc', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_auto_toc']['default']);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$dom_ok = $doc->loadHTML($html_content);
if ($dom_ok) {
$items = $doc->getElementsByTagName('*');
$offset = $toc_cnt = 0;
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($autotoc && !$item->hasAttribute('id') && preg_match('/h([1-6])/i', $item->nodeName, $matches)) {
// It's a heading. Make the anchor chain based on the heading level
$anchor_parts = array_fill(0, $matches[1], 'sub');
$anchor = join('-', $anchor_parts). ++$elem_cnt;
$item->setAttribute('id', $anchor);
if ($item->hasAttribute('id')) {
$hashval = $item->getAttribute('id');
if ( (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_guide_start}'])) && ($toc_cnt == 1) ) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_guide_start}'] = '<reference type="text" title="'.smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_start').'" href="'.$firstfile.'#'.$hashval.'"></reference>';
// mb_convert_encoding() seems to bypass the odd behaviour where apostrophes
// would appear in the TOC as ’. This may actually be a band-aid to circumvent
// problems with the encoding in DOMDocument: perhaps if appropriate encoding is
// used there, this hack won't be necessary
$node = mb_convert_encoding($item->nodeValue, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'utf-8');
$from = array('{smd_ebook_file_name}', '{smd_ebook_nav_label}', '{smd_ebook_nav_hash}', '{smd_ebook_nav_idx}');
$to = array($cur_file, $node, $hashval, $ncx_cnt);
$ncx[] = str_replace($from, $to, $template['nav']);
// Now it's the turn of the HTML TOC. Utilise Textile here to
// create the toc list from ul or ol syntax
$hashBits = do_list($hashval, '-');
$indent = count($hashBits);
if ( ($toc_cnt == 1) && ($indent > 1) ) {
// Doesn't start with h1 (begins h2, maybe) so scale back the indent.
// Without this, Textile produces invalid markup
$offset = $indent - 1;
$toc_cls = (($toc_cnt == 1) && $toc_class) ? '('.$toc_class.')' : '';
$toc[] = str_pad('', max(1, $indent-$offset), $wrapit) . $toc_cls.' ' . href($node, $cur_file.'#'.$hashval);
// Grab any changes just made to the DOM tree in case anchors have been added.
// Note _only_ the <body> is extracted since the XML headers that come with a full
// saveXML() get in the way. Also note that saveHTML() is not being used because its
// 'node' parameter wasn't added until PHP 5.3.6 which would affect the plugin's
// base requirements.
// Hackish: remove the body tag wrapper with substr() so when the html_content
// is shoved back into the template (which has a body tag already) there's no
// tag duplication
$html_content = substr($doc->saveXML($doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)), 6, -7);
// Swap out any line break placeholders. Note that the line break is replaced twice:
// once to get rid of any surrounding <p> tags that Textile may have introduced around
// the marker, and again in case a few of them didn't get paragraph tags.
$html_content = str_replace('<p>'.$pbr.'</p>', '<mbp:pagebreak />', $html_content);
$html_content = str_replace($pbr, '<mbp:pagebreak />', $html_content);
// Pass the extracted <body> tree into the doc template again so it regenerates
// the full <html>...</html> document.
$html_content = str_replace(array('{smd_ebook_encoding}', '{smd_ebook_title}', '{smd_ebook_chaptitle}', '{smd_ebook_stylesheet}', '{smd_ebook_contents}'), array($encoding, $row['Title'], '', $sheet, $html_content), $template['doc']);
} else {
trigger_error(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_malformed'), E_WARNING);
// Write the final HTML document to the file system
$fp = fopen($prefs['tempdir'].DS.$cur_file, "wb");
fwrite($fp, trim($html_content));
$lfout[] = $cur_file;
$article_refs[] = '<item id="smd_ebook_item_'.$article_cnt.'" media-type="text/html" href="'.$row['url_title'].'.html" />';
$article_spines[] = '<itemref idref="smd_ebook_item_' . $article_cnt . '" />';
// Ensure any NULL replacements are cleared or throw errors
$reps['{smd_ebook_chaptitle}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_chaptitle}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_chaptitle}'];
$reps['{smd_ebook_creator}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_creator}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_creator}'];
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_creator}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_creator}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_md_creator}'];
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_description}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_description}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_md_description}'];
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_subject}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_subject}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_md_subject}'];
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_publisher}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_publisher}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_md_publisher}'];
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_srp}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_srp}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_md_srp}'];
$reps['{smd_ebook_guide_start}'] = (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_guide_start}'])) ? '' : $reps['{smd_ebook_guide_start}'];
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_md_cover}'])) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_md_cover}'] = '';
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_cover}'] = '';
if (!isset($reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_authornote}'])) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_authornote}'] = '';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_authornote}'] = '';
// All the replacements are set up so prepare for kindlegen
// First, create the TOC and write it to the filesystem
if ($toc_cnt > 0) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_toc}'] = '<item id="toc" media-type="text/html" href="'.$toc_file.'" />';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_toc}'] = '<itemref idref="toc" />';
$reps['{smd_ebook_guide_toc}'] = '<reference type="toc" title="' . smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_toc') . '" href="'.$toc_file.'"></reference>';
$html_toc = $textile->TextileThis(join(n, $toc));
$html_toc = str_replace(array('{smd_ebook_toc_list}', '{smd_ebook_stylesheet}'), array($html_toc, $sheet), $template['toc']);
$fp = fopen($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $toc_file, "wb");
fwrite($fp, trim($html_toc));
$lfout[] = $toc_file;
} else {
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_toc}'] = '';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_toc}'] = '';
$reps['{smd_ebook_guide_toc}'] = '';
// Add the ncx waypoints to the reps array and generate the .ncx file
if ($ncx_cnt > 0) {
$reps['{smd_ebook_ncx_map}'] = join(n, $ncx);
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_ncx}'] = '<item id="ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" href="'.$ncx_file.'" />';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_ncx}'] = '<itemref idref="ncx" />';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_ncx_ref}'] = 'toc="ncx"';
$ncx_file_content = strtr($template['ncx'], $reps);
$fp = fopen($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $ncx_file, "wb");
fwrite($fp, trim($ncx_file_content));
$lfout[] = $ncx_file;
} else {
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_ncx}'] = '';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_ncx}'] = '';
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_ncx_ref}'] = '';
// Build the remaining manifest replacements and generate the OPF
$reps['{smd_ebook_manifest_items}'] = join(n, $article_refs);
$reps['{smd_ebook_spine_items}'] = join(n, $article_spines);
$opf_file_content = strtr($template['opf'], $reps);
$fp = fopen($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $opf_file, "wb");
fwrite($fp, trim($opf_file_content));
$lfout[] = $opf_file;
// Write the listfile, which contains a list of all the files used in this stage
$fp = fopen($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $listfile, "wb");
fwrite($fp, join(n, $lfout));
// Hand off to Stage 2 to do the deed
smd_ebook_generate($listfile, $opf_file);
// ------------------------
// Stage 2 only: Pre-requisites are that the necessary files (toc, .html, ncx + opf)
// have already been generated by the previous stage. If called directly via the
// GUI, the hidden form value containing the OPF file is read.
function smd_ebook_generate($listfile='', $opf_file='') {
global $prefs, $smd_ebook_prefs;
$report = array();
$retval = NULL;
// Use passed in values in lieu of the one in the form
$opf_file = ($opf_file) ? $opf_file : ps('smd_ebook_opf_file');
$listfile = ($listfile) ? $listfile : ps('smd_ebook_listfile');
// .mobifile credentials
$mobifile = ps('smd_ebook_mobifile');
$fullpath = $prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $mobifile;
$filesize = filesize($fullpath);
$downloadit = ps('smd_ebook_download');
$fileit = ps('smd_ebook_to_files');
if ($downloadit) {
header('Content-Description: File Download');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$mobifile.'"; size = "'.$filesize.'"');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60");
header("Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT");
header('Cache-Control: private');
if ($file = fopen($fullpath, 'rb')) {
while(!feof($file) and (connection_status()==0)) {
echo fread($file, 1024*64);
} else if ($fileit) {
@include_once txpath.'/include/txp_file.php';
// Copy the file to the files area
$destpath = $prefs['file_base_path'] . DS . $mobifile;
copy($fullpath, $destpath);
// Get the file category
$filecat = get_pref('smd_ebook_file_cat', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_file_cat']['default']);
// Read description and title from .opf
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$content = file_get_contents($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $opf_file);
$dom_ok = $doc->loadXML($content);
$description = $title = '';
if ($dom_ok) {
$items = $doc->getElementsByTagName('*');
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->nodeName == 'dc:title') {
$title = $item->nodeValue;
if ($item->nodeName == 'dc:description') {
$description = $item->nodeValue;
$curid = safe_field('id', 'txp_file', "filename='".doSlash($mobifile)."'");
if ($curid) {
// Update existing database entry
$ret = safe_update('txp_file',
title='" . doSlash($title) . "',
category='" . doSlash($filecat) . "',
description='" . doSlash($description) . "',
size='" . doSlash($filesize) . "',
modified= now()
if ($ret) {
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_updated', array('{id}' => $curid));
} else {
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_not_filed');
} else {
// Make a new entry in the database for it
$newid = file_db_add(doSlash($mobifile), doSlash($filecat), '', doSlash($description), doSlash($filesize), doSlash($title));
if ($newid) {
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_filed', array('{id}' => $newid));
} else {
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_not_filed');
} else {
// (Re)generate the book
list($report, $retval) = smd_ebook_kindlegen($opf_file);
if ($retval > 1) {
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_generate_failed', array('{code}' => $retval));
} else {
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_generate_ok');
smd_ebook_ui($msg, $listfile, join(n, $report), $retval);
// ------------------------
// Interface with kindlegen to generate the .mobi file.
function smd_ebook_kindlegen($opf) {
global $prefs, $smd_ebook_prefs;
$kgen = get_pref('smd_ebook_kindlegen_path', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_kindlegen_path']['default']);
$command = $kgen . ' ' . $prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $opf;
exec($command, $output, $result);
return array($output, $result);
// ------------------------
// Common buttons for the interface
function smd_ebook_buttons($curr='mgr') {
global $smd_ebook_event;
$ret = array (
'btnMgr' => '<form method="post" action="?event='.$smd_ebook_event.'" class="smd_inline">'.fInput('submit', 'submit', smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_mgr'), 'smallerbox'.($curr=='mgr'?' smd_active':'')).tInput().'</form>',
'btnPrf' => '<form method="post" action="?event='.$smd_ebook_event.a.'step=smd_ebook_prefs" class="smd_inline">'.fInput('submit', 'submit', smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_prf'), 'smallerbox'.($curr=='prf'?' smd_active':'')).tInput().'</form>',
'btnCln' => '<form method="post" action="?event='.$smd_ebook_event.a.'step=smd_ebook_tidy" class="smd_inline">'.fInput('submit', 'submit', smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_cln'), 'smallerbox'.($curr=='cln'?' smd_active':'')).tInput().'</form>',
'btnTst' => '<a href="?event='.$smd_ebook_event.a.'step=smd_ebook_test'.a.'_txp_token='.form_token().'" class="smd_inline">'.smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_tst').'</a>',
return $ret;
// ------------------------
// Tidy up the temp dir
function smd_ebook_tidy($msg='') {
global $prefs, $smd_ebook_event, $smd_ebook_styles;
if (ps('smd_ebook_cleanup')) {
$to_delete = ps('smd_ebook_files');
foreach($to_delete as $del) {
$path = realpath($prefs['tempdir'] . DS . $del);
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_deleted');
pagetop(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_tab_name'), $msg);
$btnbar = (has_privs('plugin_prefs.'.$smd_ebook_event))? '<span class="smd_ebook_buttons">'.$btnMgr.$btnPrf.$btnCln.'</span>' : '';
$filelist = array();
$valid = array('mobi', 'html', 'ncx', 'opf', 'smd');
$tmp = $prefs['tempdir'] . DS;
// Grab all files then remove unnecessary ones: faster than multiple globs
// for each file type and more robust than relying on GLOB_BRACE support
$allfiles = glob($tmp.'*.*');
foreach ($allfiles as $file) {
$info = explode ('.',$file);
$lastpart = count($info)-1;
$ext = trim($info[$lastpart]);
if (in_array($ext, $valid)) {
$filelist[] = $file;
// Inject styles
echo '<style type="text/css">' . $smd_ebook_styles['cpanel'] . '</style>';
echo '<div id="'.$smd_ebook_event.'_control" class="txp-control-panel">' . $btnbar . '</div>';
$filesel = '';
if ($filelist) {
$filez = array();
foreach($filelist as $val) {
$val = basename($val);
$key = sanitizeForFile($val);
$filez[$key] = $val;
$selout[] = '<select id="smd_ebook_files" name="smd_ebook_files[]" class="list" size="20" multiple="multiple">';
foreach ($filez as $key => $leaf) {
$selout[] = t.'<option value="'.$key.'">'.htmlspecialchars($leaf).'</option>'.n;
$selout[] = '</select>';
$filesel = join(n, $selout);
echo '<div class="txp-list">';
echo startTable('list');
echo '<form method="post" action="?event='.$smd_ebook_event.'">';
echo tr(tda(strong(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_tidy'))));
echo ($filesel) ? tr(tda($filesel)) : tr(tda(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_no_files')));
echo tr(tda(fInput('submit', 'smd_ebook_cleanup', gTxt('delete'), 'publish'), ' class="noline"'));
echo sInput('smd_ebook_tidy');
echo tInput();
echo '</form>';
echo endTable();
echo '</div>';
// ------------------------
// List of current stylesheets
function smd_ebook_style_list($name, $val='') {
$styles = safe_column('name', 'txp_css', '1=1');
return selectInput($name, $styles, $val, true);
// ------------------------
// List of current file categories
function smd_ebook_file_cat_list($name, $val='') {
$rs = getTree('root', 'file');
if ($rs) {
return treeSelectInput($name, $rs, $val, $name);
// ------------------------
// List of numbers for heading levels
function smd_ebook_number($name, $val='') {
// Can't use range() since it creates indices starting at 0
$nums = array();
for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 6; $idx++) {
$nums[$idx] = $idx;
return selectInput($name, $nums, $val, false);
// ------------------------
// List of current sections
// TODO: multiple select?
function smd_ebook_section_list($name, $val='') {
$secs = safe_column('name', 'txp_section', '1=1');
return selectInput($name, $secs, $val, true);
// ------------------------
// List of custom fields
function smd_ebook_fld_list($name, $val='') {
$cfs = getCustomFields();
$cfs['Title'] = gTxt('title');
$cfs['Excerpt_html'] = gTxt('excerpt');
$cfs['SMD_FIXED'] = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_fixed');
return selectInput($name, $cfs, $val, true);
// ------------------------
// List of custom fields with a few extras
function smd_ebook_fld_list_plus($name, $val='') {
$cfs = getCustomFields();
$cfs['Title'] = gTxt('title');
$cfs['Excerpt_html'] = gTxt('excerpt');
$cfs['Category1'] = gTxt('category1');
$cfs['Category2'] = gTxt('category2');
$cfs['Section'] = gTxt('section');
$cfs['SMD_FIXED'] = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_fixed');
return selectInput($name, $cfs, $val, true);
// ------------------------
// List of custom fields
function smd_ebook_fld_list_author($name, $val='') {
$cfs = getCustomFields();
$cfs['Title'] = gTxt('title');
$cfs['Excerpt_html'] = gTxt('excerpt');
$cfs['AuthorID'] = gTxt('author');
$cfs['SMD_FIXED'] = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_fixed');
return selectInput($name, $cfs, $val, true);
// ------------------------
// Multi-select list of privilege levels
function smd_ebook_priv_list($name, $val='') {
$grps = get_groups();
unset($grps['0']); // Remove 'none'
unset($grps['1']); // Remove publishers -- they get access to everything already
$sels = do_list($val);
$ulist = array();
$ulist[] = '<select name="'.$name.'[]" id="'.$name.'" class="list multiple" multiple="multiple" size="6">';
foreach ($grps as $lvl => $grp) {
$selected = in_array($lvl, $sels) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$ulist[] = '<option value="'.$lvl.'"'.$selected.'>' . htmlspecialchars($grp) . '</option>';
$ulist[] = '</select>';
return join(n, $ulist);
// ------------------------
// Mini diagnostics to see if the kindlegen program can be run on this host.
function smd_ebook_test() {
global $smd_ebook_event, $smd_ebook_prefs;
$out = '';
$kgen = get_pref('smd_ebook_kindlegen_path', $smd_ebook_prefs['smd_ebook_kindlegen_path']['default']);
exec($kgen, $output, $retval);
if ($retval != 0) {
switch ($retval) {
case 126:
$out = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_permissions_issue');
case 127:
$out = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_not_found');
$out = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_error_code', array('{code}' => $retval));
$out = print_r($output, true);
} else {
$out = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_ok');
$_POST['smd_ebook_test_output'] = $out;
$msg = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_test_complete');
// ------------------------
// Handle the prefs panel
function smd_ebook_prefs($msg='') {
global $smd_ebook_event, $smd_ebook_prefs, $smd_ebook_styles, $step;
if (ps('smd_ebook_pref_save')) {
foreach ($smd_ebook_prefs as $idx => $prefobj) {
$val = ps($idx);
$val = (is_array($val)) ? join(', ', $val) : $val;
set_pref($idx, doSlash($val), 'smd_ebook', $prefobj['type'], $prefobj['html'], $prefobj['position']);
$msg = gTxt('preferences_saved');
pagetop(smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_tab_name'), $msg);
$btnbar = (has_privs('plugin_prefs.'.$smd_ebook_event))? '<span class="smd_ebook_buttons">'.$btnMgr.$btnPrf.$btnCln.'</span>' : '';
// Inject styles
echo '<style type="text/css">' . $smd_ebook_styles['cpanel'] . '</style>';
echo <<<EOJS
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function() {
jQuery("select[name='smd_ebook_fld_title'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_chaptitle'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_author'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_description'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_authornote'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_subject'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_publisher'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_srp']").change(function() {
var xtra = jQuery(this).attr('name') + '_fixed';
if (jQuery('option:selected', this).val() == 'SMD_FIXED') {
} else {
echo '<div id="'.$smd_ebook_event.'_control" class="txp-control-panel">' . $btnbar . '</div>';
$out = array();
$out[] = n.'<div class="txp-list">';
$out[] = '<form name="smd_ebook_prefs" id="smd_ebook_prefs" action="index.php" method="post">';
$out[] = eInput($smd_ebook_event).sInput('smd_ebook_prefs');
$out[] = startTable('list');
$last_grp = '';
foreach ($smd_ebook_prefs as $idx => $prefobj) {
if ($last_grp != $prefobj['group']) {
$out[] = tr(tdcs(strong(smd_ebook_gTxt($prefobj['group'])), 2));
$last_grp = $prefobj['group'];
$subout = array();
$subout[] = tda('<label for="'.$idx.'">'.smd_ebook_gTxt($idx).'</label>', ' class="noline" style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;"');
$val = get_pref($idx, $prefobj['default'], 1);
$vis = (isset($prefobj['visible']) && !$prefobj['visible']) ? 'smd_hidden' : '';
switch ($prefobj['html']) {
case 'text_input':
$subout[] = tda(fInput('text', $idx, $val, '', '', '', '', '', $idx),' class="noline"');
case 'yesnoradio':
$subout[] = tda(yesnoRadio($idx, $val),' class="noline"');
case 'radioset':
$subout[] = tda(radioSet($prefobj['content'], $idx, $val),' class="noline"');
case 'checkboxset':
$vals = do_list($val);
$lclout = array();
foreach ($prefobj['content'] as $cb => $val) {
$checked = in_array($cb, $vals);
$lclout[] = checkbox($idx.'[]', $cb, $checked). smd_ebook_gTxt($val);
$subout[] = tda(join(n, $lclout),' class="noline"');
case 'selectlist':
$subout[] = tda(selectInput($idx, $prefobj['content'][0], $val, $prefobj['content'][1]),' class="noline"');
if ( strpos($prefobj['html'], 'smd_ebook_') !== false && is_callable($prefobj['html']) ) {
$subout[] = tda($prefobj['html']($idx, $val),' class="noline"');
$out[] = tr(join(n ,$subout), ' class="'.$vis.'"');
$out[] = tr(tda(' ', ' class="noline"') . tda($btnTst, ' class="noline"'));
if ($step == 'smd_ebook_test') {
$out[] = tr(tda(' ', ' class="noline"') . tda(text_area('smd_ebook_test_results', 150, 200, ps('smd_ebook_test_output')), ' class="noline"'));
$out[] = tr(tda(' ', ' class="noline"') . tda(fInput('submit', 'smd_ebook_pref_save', gTxt('save'), 'publish'), ' class="noline"'));
$out[] = endTable().tInput();
$out[] = '</form></div>';
echo join(n, $out);
// ------------------------
// Delete plugin prefs
function smd_ebook_prefs_remove($showpane=1) {
$message = '';
safe_delete('txp_prefs', "name like 'smd_ebook_%'");
if ($showpane) {
$message = smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_prefs_deleted');
// ------------------------
// Set up the global prefs for the plugin
function smd_ebook_get_prefs() {
global $smd_ebook_prefs, $prefs;
$smd_ebook_prefs = array(
'smd_ebook_uid' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 20,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_page_break' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 30,
'default' => '~~~~~',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_toc_wraptag' => array(
'html' => 'radioset',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 40,
'content' => array('ul' => smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_ul'), 'ol' => smd_ebook_gTxt('smd_ebook_lbl_ol')),
'default' => 'ul',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_toc_class' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 60,
'default' => 'smd_ebook_toc',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_section' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_section_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 70,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_stylesheet' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_style_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 80,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_textile' => array(
'html' => 'checkboxset',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 90,
'content' => array('description' => 'smd_ebook_lbl_description', 'authornote' => 'smd_ebook_lbl_authornote'),
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_encoding' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 100,
'default' => 'utf-8',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_kindlegen_path' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 200,
'default' => $prefs['path_to_site'].DS.'kindle'.DS.'kindlegen',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_settings',
'smd_ebook_auto_toc' => array(
'html' => 'yesnoradio',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 10,
'default' => '1',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_title' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 20,
'default' => 'Title',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_title_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 25,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_fld_chaptitle' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 30,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_chaptitle_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 35,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_fld_author' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list_author',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 40,
'default' => 'AuthorID',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_author_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 45,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_fld_description' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 50,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_description_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 55,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_fld_authornote' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 60,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_authornote_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 65,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_fld_subject' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list_plus',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 70,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_subject_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 75,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_fld_publisher' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list_plus',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 80,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_publisher_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 85,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_fld_srp' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_fld_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 90,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_fld_srp_fixed' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 95,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'visible' => false,
'smd_ebook_currency' => array(
'html' => 'text_input',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 100,
'default' => 'EUR',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_heading_level' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_number',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 110,
'default' => '2',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_file_cat' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_file_cat_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 120,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_pubset',
'smd_ebook_privs' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_priv_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 10,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_usrset',
'smd_ebook_opf_edit' => array(
'html' => 'smd_ebook_priv_list',
'type' => PREF_HIDDEN,
'position' => 20,
'default' => '',
'group' => 'smd_ebook_usrset',
// ------------------------
function smd_ebook_gTxt($what, $atts = array()) {
$lang = array(
'en-gb' => array(
'smd_ebook_auto_toc' => 'Automatically create ToC anchors on headings',
'smd_ebook_currency' => 'Default three-letter currency code',
'smd_ebook_deleted' => 'Temporary files deleted',
'smd_ebook_encoding' => 'Character set of document',
'smd_ebook_error_code' => 'Status code {code} returned. Ensure the program was uploaded as Binary',
'smd_ebook_file_cat' => 'Store files in category',
'smd_ebook_filed' => 'E-book filed as ID {id}',
'smd_ebook_fixed' => 'Static text',
'smd_ebook_fld_author' => 'Get author from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_author_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_fld_authornote' => 'Get author notes from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_authornote_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_fld_chaptitle' => 'Get chapter titles from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_chaptitle_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_fld_description' => 'Get description from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_description_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_fld_publisher' => 'Get publisher from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_publisher_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_fld_srp' => 'Get SRP (price) from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_srp_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_fld_subject' => 'Get subject (genre) from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_subject_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_fld_title' => 'Get book title from field',
'smd_ebook_fld_title_fixed' => '⌊_ Text',
'smd_ebook_from' => 'From',
'smd_ebook_heading_level' => 'Chapter heading level',
'smd_ebook_generate_failed' => 'E-book generation failed (exit status {code})',
'smd_ebook_generate_ok' => 'E-book generation successful',
'smd_ebook_kindlegen_path' => 'Path to kindlegen executable',
'smd_ebook_lbl_articles' => 'Choose book article(s)',
'smd_ebook_lbl_author' => 'Author',
'smd_ebook_lbl_authornote' => 'Author notes',
'smd_ebook_lbl_chaptitle' => 'Chapter titles',
'smd_ebook_lbl_cln' => 'Tidy up',
'smd_ebook_lbl_create' => 'Create',
'smd_ebook_lbl_description' => 'Book description',
'smd_ebook_lbl_download' => 'Download',
'smd_ebook_lbl_files' => 'File manager',
'smd_ebook_lbl_generate' => '(Re)generate',
'smd_ebook_lbl_mgr' => 'E-book',
'smd_ebook_lbl_ol' => 'Numeric list',
'smd_ebook_lbl_prf' => 'Settings',
'smd_ebook_lbl_publisher' => 'Publisher',
'smd_ebook_lbl_report' => 'Build report',
'smd_ebook_lbl_srp' => 'Price|Currency',
'smd_ebook_lbl_start' => 'Welcome',
'smd_ebook_lbl_subject' => 'Subject (genre)',
'smd_ebook_lbl_title' => 'Book title',
'smd_ebook_lbl_to_files' => 'Store file',
'smd_ebook_lbl_tst' => 'Test kindlegen program',
'smd_ebook_lbl_ul' => 'Standard list',
'smd_ebook_lbl_view' => '[Preview]',
'smd_ebook_malformed' => 'Could not process HTML from {file}. Malformed?',
'smd_ebook_no_files' => 'No e-book files found',
'smd_ebook_not_filed' => 'E-book NOT filed',
'smd_ebook_not_found' => 'File not found. Check path?',
'smd_ebook_ok' => 'Everything looks OK',
'smd_ebook_opf_edit' => 'Groups that can edit .opf',
'smd_ebook_page_break' => 'Page break character sequence',
'smd_ebook_permissions_issue' => 'Permissions problem. Is the file executable?',
'smd_ebook_prefs_deleted' => 'Settings deleted',
'smd_ebook_preview_prefix' => 'Preview of',
'smd_ebook_privs' => 'Groups that can publish',
'smd_ebook_pubset' => 'Publishing',
'smd_ebook_stylesheet' => 'Stylesheet to include with the book',
'smd_ebook_section' => 'List articles from section',
'smd_ebook_settings' => 'Plugin configuration',
'smd_ebook_tab_name' => 'E-books',
'smd_ebook_test_complete' => 'Test complete',
'smd_ebook_textile' => 'Apply Textile to',
'smd_ebook_tidy' => 'Tidy up temporary e-book files',
'smd_ebook_toc' => 'Table of Contents',
'smd_ebook_toc_class' => 'ToC CSS class name',
'smd_ebook_toc_wraptag' => 'Render ToC as',
'smd_ebook_uid' => 'Unique ID',
'smd_ebook_updated' => 'E-book info for file ID {id} updated',
'smd_ebook_usrset' => 'Rights',
$thislang = get_pref('language', 'en-gb');
$exists = (isset($lang[$thislang][$what]));
$thislang = $exists ? $thislang : 'en-gb';
return ($exists) ? strtr($lang[$thislang][$what], $atts) : $what;