// TXP 4.6 tag registration
if (class_exists('\Textpattern\Tag\Registry')) {
->register('etc_search_result_count', 'search_result_count')
if(@txpinterface == 'admin') {
add_privs('etc_search', '1,2');
register_tab("extensions", "etc_search", "Search settings");
register_callback("etc_search_tab", "etc_search");
register_callback('etc_search_tab', 'plugin_prefs.etc_search');
register_callback('etc_search_install', 'plugin_lifecycle.etc_search');
elseif(gps('etc_search') !== '') {
register_callback('etc_search_term', 'pretext_end');
if(ps('etc_search') !== '') register_callback('etc_search_callback', 'log_hit');
function etc_search_install($event='', $step='')
if($step == 'deleted') {
safe_delete('txp_prefs', "name LIKE 'etc\_search\_%'");
safe_delete("txp_form", "name = 'etc_search_results'");
safe_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.safe_pfx('etc_search'));
if($step == 'enabled') {
set_pref('etc_search_hash', uniqid('', true), 'etc_search', PREF_HIDDEN);
set_pref('etc_search_ops', '{"NOT":"-","AND":" ","OR":","}', 'etc_search', PREF_HIDDEN);
if(!safe_count('txp_form', "name = 'etc_search_results' AND type = 'article'"))
safe_insert("txp_form", "name = 'etc_search_results', type = 'article', Form = '<txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink>'");
$qc="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".safe_pfx('etc_search')." (";
$qc.= <<<EOF
`query` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`form1` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`form2` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`thing1` text NOT NULL,
`thing2` text NOT NULL,
`type` enum('article','image','file','link','category','section') NOT NULL,
safe_alter('etc_search', "MODIFY `type` enum('article','image','file','link','category','section') NOT NULL");
function etc_search_tab($event, $step) {
global $prefs;
$id = intval(gps('id'));
if($step && bouncer($step, array('save'=>true, 'ops'=>true))) if($step == 'save') switch(gps('save')) {
case 'Save' : safe_upsert('etc_search',
$ops = gps('etc_ops_'.$id);
if(!$id) $id = intval(getThing('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'));
if($ops === '') {safe_delete('txp_prefs', "name='etc_search_ops_$id'"); $prefs['etc_search_ops_'.$id] = '';}
else set_pref('etc_search_ops_'.$id, $prefs['etc_search_ops_'.$id] = gps('etc_ops_'.$id), 'etc_search', PREF_HIDDEN);
case 'Delete' : safe_delete('etc_search', "id=$id"); safe_delete('txp_prefs', "name='etc_search_ops_$id'");
} elseif($step == 'ops') {
set_pref('etc_search_ops', $prefs['etc_search_ops'] = gps('etc_ops'), 'etc_search', PREF_HIDDEN);
$ops = get_pref('etc_search_ops');
$rs = safe_rows('*', 'etc_search', '1');
pagetop("etc_search", "<strong>etc_search</strong> preferences");
echo '<style>.etc-search-form input[type="text"]{width:100%}
.etc-two-column{width:100%;border-spacing:1em 0;border-collapse:separate;}
.etc-search-form{padding:0 1em;}
echo '<h1>etc_search setup</h1>'.n;
echo '<h2>Search settings</h2>'.n;
echo '<div class="summary-details"><h3 class="lever txp-summary"><a href="#etc-logic">Logical operators</a></h3>'.n;
echo '<form id="etc-logic" class="etc-search-form" action="?event=etc_search&step=ops" method="post">', n, '<p><label for="ops">JSON-encoded object (handle with care)</label><br />', fInput('text', 'etc_ops', $ops), tInput(), sInput('ops'), '</p><p>', fInput('submit', 'save', 'Save', 'publish'), n, '</p></form></div>', n;
echo '<h2>Search forms</h2>'.n.'<div class="summary-details">'.n;
foreach($rs as $row) echo etc_search_form(doSpecial($row));
echo etc_search_form(array('id'=>0, 'query'=>'', 'form1'=>'', 'form2'=>'', 'thing1'=>'', 'thing2'=>'', 'type'=>'')).n.'</div>';
echo '<script>$(function () {
$(".lever a[href!=',"'#etc-form-".intval(gps('id'))."'", ']").trigger("click");
function etc_search_form($row) {
global $prefs;
if(!($search_fields = $prefs['searchable_article_fields'])) $search_fields = 'Title,Body';
$context = array();
echo '<h3 class="lever txp-summary"><a href="#etc-form-'.$row['id'].'">', ($row['id'] ? 'Search form '.$row['id'] : 'New search form'), '</a></h3>', n;
echo '<form id="etc-form-'.$row['id'].'" class="etc-search-form" method="post" action="?event=etc_search"', ($row['id'] ? ' data-id="'.$row['id'].'"' : ''), '>', n;
echo '<p><label>context</label><br />', /*implode(' ', $context)*/
radioSet(array('article'=>gTxt('article_context'), 'image'=>gTxt('image_context'), 'file'=>gTxt('file_context'), 'link'=>gTxt('link_context'), 'category'=>gTxt('category'), 'section'=>gTxt('section'), ''=>'custom'), 'type', $row['type'], '', 'etc-'.$row['id']), '</p>', n;
echo '<p><label>query</label><br /><input type="text" name="query" value="', $row['query'], '" placeholder="{', $search_fields, '}" /></p>', n;
echo '<p><label>logical operators (JSON-encoded)</label><br /><input type="text" name="etc_ops_',$row['id'],'" value="', $row['id'] ? doSpecial(get_pref('etc_search_ops_'.$row['id'])) : '', '" placeholder="',doSpecial(get_pref('etc_search_ops')),'" /></p>', n;
echo '<table class="etc-two-column"><tr>', n;
echo '<td><fieldset><legend>Live search</legend>', n;
echo '<p><label>form</label><br /><input type="text" name="form1" value="', $row['form1'], '" placeholder="etc_search_results" /></p>', n;
echo '<p><label>or content</label><br /><textarea name="thing1" spellcheck="false">', $row['thing1'], '</textarea></p>', n;
echo '</fieldset></td>', n;
echo '<td><fieldset><legend>Static search</legend>', n;
echo '<p><label>form</label><br /><input type="text" name="form2" value="', $row['form2'], '" placeholder="search_results" /></p>', n;
echo '<p><label>or content</label><br /><textarea name="thing2" spellcheck="false">', $row['thing2'], '</textarea></p>', n;
echo '</fieldset></td>', n, '</tr></table>', n;
echo '<p>', sInput('save'), hInput('id', $row['id']), tInput(), fInput('submit', 'save', 'Save', 'publish'), ($row['id'] ? fInput('submit', 'save', 'Delete', 'publish') : ''), '</p>', n;
echo '</form>';
function etc_search_parse($string, $pattern, &$matches, $open = '', $close = '', $replace = array())
if(!$string || !$pattern) return $string;
$matches = array();
$string = preg_split($pattern, $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if(($count = count($string)) > 1) for($i = 1; $i < $count; $i += 2) {
$matches[$open.$i.$close] = $replace ? strtr($string[$i], $replace) : $string[$i];
$string[$i] = $open.$i.$close;
return implode('', $string);
function etc_search_query($string, $fields, $ops=null)
if(!$fields || $string === '') return '1';
global $etc_search_ops, $etc_search_neg, $etc_search_match_query;
$where = array();
if(!$ops || !is_array($ops)) {
$patterns = do_list($fields, ';');
$fields = array();
$not = false;
while($string && $string[0]==$etc_search_neg) {$not = !$not; $string=substr($string, 1);}
if(preg_match('/^\[\"*\"\]$/', $string)) return $not ? "( NOT $string )" : $string;
$string = str_replace('{*}', '{{*}}', $string);
if($string > '') foreach($patterns as $pattern) {
unset($flds, $pat, $cond);
$items = explode('::', $pattern); //+ array(null, null, null)
if(count($items) == 3) list($flds, $pat, $cond) = $items;
else foreach($items as $item) {
if($item && $item[0] === '/') $pat = $item;
elseif(preg_match('/^\s*[\w\.]+\s*(?:,\s*[\w\.]+\s*)*$/', $item)) $flds = $item;
else $cond = $item;
if(empty($pat)) $pat = '/^.+$/s';
if(preg_match($pat, $string, $match)) {
if(empty($flds) && !isset($cond)) return $string;
if(!isset($cond)) $fields[] = array($flds, "{*} LIKE '%$string%'");
else $fields[] = array(empty($flds) ? 'NULL' : $flds, preg_replace($pat, $cond, $match[0]));
if(!$fields) return '0';
else $etc_search_match_query = true;
foreach($fields as $flist) {
$whr = array();
$flds = strpos($flist[0], '(') !== false ? preg_split('/([^\(\)\,]*(?:\((?:[^\(\)]|(?1))*\))?)(?:\,|$)/', $flist[0], null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : do_list($flist[0]);
foreach($flds as $field) $whr[] = '('.strtr($flist[1], array('{{*}}' => '{*}', '{*}' => $field) ).')';
$where[] = implode(" OR ", $whr);
$where = '( '.implode(' OR ', $where).' )';
return ($not ? "( NOT $where )" : $where);
@list($sep, $op) = array(end($ops), key($ops));
$quotes = $braces = array();
if(strpos($string, '\"') !== false) $string = etc_search_parse($string, '/\\\"(.*)\\\"/Us', $quotes, '|"', '"|');
if(strpos($string, '(') !== false) $string = etc_search_parse($string, '/\(((?:[^()]|(?0))*)\)/U', $braces, '["', '"]');
foreach(do_list($string, $sep) as $value) if(strlen($value) > 0)
$where[] = etc_search_query($value, $fields, $ops);
foreach($braces as &$value) $value = etc_search_query($value, $fields, $etc_search_ops);
switch (count($where)) {
case 0: return '0';
case 1: return strtr(strtr($where[0], $braces), $quotes);
default: return '( '.strtr(strtr(implode(" $op ", $where), $braces), $quotes).' )';
function etc_search_get_results($params, $live=true)
global $prefs, $pretext, $thisarticle, $thispage, $thisimage, $thislink, $thisfile, $thiscategory, $thissection, $etc_page_counter, $etc_search_neg, $etc_search_ops, $etc_search_forms, $etc_search_match, $etc_search_match_query;
if(!($search_fields = $prefs['searchable_article_fields'])) $search_fields = 'Title,Body';
$safe_search_fields = '`'.implode('`,`', do_list($search_fields)).'`';
$pretext_q = $pretext['q'];
$q = $pretext['q'] = $params['q'];
$max = $newmax = max(intval($params['etc_limit']), 0);
$pg = max(intval($pretext['pg']), 1);
$offset = ($pg - 1)*$max;
$o = array();
$matched = false;
$rc = $lim_it = 0;
$etc_search_ops = gps('m') === 'exact' ? null : get_pref('etc_search_ops');
foreach($params['etc_search'] as $id) {
if(isset($etc_search_ops)) {
if($id) $etc_search_ops = get_pref('etc_search_ops_'.$id);
$etc_search_ops = json_decode($etc_search_ops === '' ? get_pref('etc_search_ops') : $etc_search_ops, true);
if(isset($etc_search_ops['NOT'])) {$etc_search_neg = $etc_search_ops['NOT']; unset($etc_search_ops['NOT']);}
else $etc_search_neg = '';
unset($this_article, $this_image, $this_file, $this_link);
if($id) {
if(isset($etc_search_forms[$id])) $row = $etc_search_forms[$id];
else $row = $etc_search_forms[$id] = safe_row('query, form1, form2, thing1, thing2, type', 'etc_search', "id=$id");
if(empty($row)) continue;
else $row = array('query'=>'', 'form1'=>'', 'form2'=>'', 'thing1'=>'', 'thing2'=>'', 'type'=>'article');
if(!empty($params['etc_f'])) $form = $params['etc_f'];
else $form = $live ? ($form1 ? $form1 : 'etc_search_results') : ($form2 ? $form2 : 'search_results');
if(!empty($params['etc_t'])) $thing = $params['etc_t'];
else $thing = $live ? ($thing1 ? $thing1 : fetch_form($form)) : ($thing2 ? $thing2 : fetch_form($form));
if(!$query) {$query = '{'.$search_fields.'}'; $type = 'article';}
else $query = trim(parse($query));
if(preg_match('/^(.+)\b(LIMIT\s+(+)\b\s*,?\s*(*)\b.*)$/i', $query, $matches)) {
$query = $matches[1]; $limit = $matches[2];
if($matches[4]) {$off = $matches[3]; $lim = $matches[4];}
else {$off = 0; $lim = $matches[3];}
else $limit = '';
if($newmax > 0) $lim_it = $limit ? " LIMIT ".($offset + $off).", ".min($lim - $offset, $newmax) : " LIMIT $offset, $newmax";
else $lim_it = '';
if(preg_match('/^(.+)\b(ORDER\s+BY\b.+)$/Ui', $query, $matches)) {
$query = $matches[1]; $order = $matches[2];
} else $order = '';
$etc_search_match = true;
$etc_search_match_query = false;
$query = preg_replace_callback('/\{((?:[^{}]|(?0))+)\}/U', 'etc_search_gps', $oldquery = $query);
if(!$etc_search_match || empty($query) || !$etc_search_match_query && ($oldquery !== $query)) continue;
else $matched = true;
if(!($custom = preg_match('/^SELECT\b/i', $query))) switch($type) {//default search
case 'image' : case 'file' : case 'link' : case 'category' : case 'section' :
$table = safe_pfx('txp_'.$type);
$count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.($type == 'file' ? 'status >= 4 AND ' : '').$query;
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.($type == 'file' ? 'status >= 4 AND ' : '').$query;
default :
$s_filter = '';
$rs = safe_column("name", "txp_section", "searchable != '1'");
if ($rs) {
foreach($rs as $name) $s_filter .= " AND Section != '".doSlash($name)."'";
$table = safe_pfx('textpattern');
$ts = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
$count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE Status >= 4 AND Posted <= '$ts' AND (Expires IS NULL OR Expires>='$ts') $s_filter AND $query";
$query = "SELECT *".($order ? '' : ", MATCH ($safe_search_fields) AGAINST ('$q') AS score")." FROM $table WHERE Status >= 4 AND Posted <= '$ts' AND (Expires IS NULL OR Expires>='$ts') $s_filter AND $query";
if(!$order) $order = ' ORDER BY score DESC';
$count = !$custom ? $count : (
$limit ? "SELECT count(*) FROM (".preg_replace("/^SELECT\b(?:[^\']|\'.*\')+\bFROM\b/Ui", 'SELECT 1 FROM', $query.$limit).") count"
: preg_replace("/^SELECT\b(?:[^\']|\'.*\')+\bFROM\b/Ui", 'SELECT count(*) FROM', $query)
// if(!$live) $o[]='<!--'.$query.'-->';
$count = intval(getThing($count));
$rc += $count;
if($count <= $offset) {$offset -= $count; continue;} else $offset = 0;
$rs = ($max <= 0 || $newmax > 0 ? getRows($query.$order.($lim_it ? $lim_it : $limit)) : array());
$replacements = array();
preg_match_all("/\{(.+)\}/U", $thing, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($type && isset(${'this'.$type})) ${'this_'.$type} = ${'this'.$type};
$count = count($rs) - 1;
if(!empty($rs)) foreach($rs as $i => $a) {
foreach($matches as $match) {
if($match[1][0] === '*') {$match[1] = substr($match[1], 1); $escape = false;}
else $escape = true;
if(isset($a[$match[1]])) $replacements[$match[0]] = $escape ? htmlspecialchars($a[$match[1]], ENT_QUOTES) : $a[$match[1]];
if($type) {
$val = $type.($type === 'file' ? '_download' : '').'_format_info';
if($type == 'article') article_format_info($a);
elseif($type == 'file' || $type == 'image' || $type == 'link') ${'this'.$type} = $val($a);
else ${'this'.$type} = $a;
${'this'.$type}['is_first'] = $i == 0;
${'this'.$type}['is_last'] = $i == $count;
$o[] = parse(strtr($thing, $replacements));
if($type && isset(${'this_'.$type})) ${'this'.$type} = ${'this_'.$type};
if($max > 0) $newmax = $max - count($o);
if(empty($thispage)) {
$etc_page_counter['from'] = ($pg - 1)*$max + 1;
$etc_page_counter['to'] = $max > 0 ? min($etc_page_counter['from'] + $max - 1, $rc) : $rc;
$thispage['pg'] = $pg;
$thispage['numPages'] = $max > 0 ? ceil($rc/$max) : 1;
$thispage['s'] = $pretext['s'];
$thispage['c'] = $pretext['c'];
$thispage['context'] = 'article';
$thispage['grand_total'] = $rc;
$thispage['total'] = $rc - $etc_page_counter['from'] + 1;
if($live && $lim_it && $thispage['numPages'] > $pg) $o[] = gTxt('more').'…';
$pretext['q'] = $pretext_q;
/* echo('<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'utf-8\' ?>');*/
return $matched ? $o : null;
function etc_search_result_count($atts)
global $thispage, $etc_page_counter;
if(empty($thispage) || empty($etc_page_counter)) return;
'text' => gTxt('showing_search_results')
), $atts));
return(strtr($text, array('{from}' => $etc_page_counter['from'], '{to}' => $etc_page_counter['to'], '{total}' => $thispage['grand_total'], '{page}' => $thispage['pg'], '{pages}' => $thispage['numPages'])));
function etc_search_result_excerpt($atts)
'break' => ' …',
'hilight' => 'strong',
'limit' => 5,
'size' => 50,
'showalways' => "0",
'type' => 'article',
'field' => 'body'
), $atts));
global ${'this'.$type}, $pretext;
if(empty(${'this'.$type}) || empty(${'this'.$type}[$field])) return '';
$m = $pretext['m'];
if(($q = trim(gps('q'))) === '') return;
$result = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', strip_tags(str_replace('><', '> <', ${'this'.$type}[$field])));
$ops = json_decode(get_pref('etc_search_ops'), true);
foreach($ops as &$val) $val = preg_quote($val, '/');
$ops = implode('|', $ops);
$q = preg_quote(str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $q), '/');
$quotes = array();
if($m !== 'exact' && strpos($q, '"') !== false) $q = etc_search_parse($q, '/(".*")/Us', $quotes, '(', ')', array('"' => ''));
$q = htmlspecialchars($q, ENT_QUOTES);
if ($m === 'exact')
$regex_search = '/(?:\G|\s).{0,'.$size.'}'.$q.'.{0,'.$size.'}(?:\s|$)/iu';
$regex_hilite = $q;
$regex_hilite = strtr(preg_replace("/(?:$ops)+/", '|', $q), doSpecial($quotes));
$regex_search = '/(?:\G|\s).{0,'.$size.'}('.$regex_hilite.').{0,'.$size.'}(?:\s|$)/iu';
preg_match_all($regex_search, $result, $concat);
$concat = $concat[0];
$min = min($limit, count($concat));
for ($i = 0, $r = array(); $i < $min; $i++)
$r[] = trim($concat[$i]);
$concat = join($break.n, $r);
$concat = preg_replace('/^[^>]+>/U', '', $concat);
$concat = preg_replace('/('.$regex_hilite.')/i', "<$hilight>$1</$hilight>", $concat);
if($concat) return (strlen($result) > $size ? $break.$concat.$break : trim($concat));
elseif(!$showalways) return '';
$result = explode('<cut />', wordwrap($result, 2*$size, '<cut />', true), 2);
return $result[0].(count($result) > 1 ? $break : '');
function etc_search_callback($event, $step)
global $nolog;
$nolog = true;
// header('Content-Type: text/html');
exit(etc_search_results(array(), null, true));
function etc_search_gps($matches) {
global $pretext, $etc_search_ops, $etc_search_match, $etc_search_neg;
$slash = isset($etc_search_neg);//query db
$custom = $matches[1][0] === '?';
if(!$custom && $slash) {$q = $pretext['q']; $fields = $matches[1];}
else {
if($custom) $matches[1] = substr($matches[1], 1);
if($slash) list($q, $fields) = explode('::', $matches[1], 2) + array(null, null);
else $q = $matches[1];
list($q, $sep) = explode('&', $q, 2) + array(null, ',');
list($q, $def) = explode('|', $q, 2) + array(null, null);
// $q = str_replace(' ', '_', $q);
/* if(!isset($_REQUEST[$q])) if(isset($def)) $q = $def; else {$q = ''; $etc_search_match = false;}
else*/ $q = (is_array($q = gps($q)) ? implode($sep, $q) : $q);
if($q === '') {if(isset($def)) $q = $def; else $etc_search_match = false;}
elseif($slash) $q = addcslashes(doSlash($q), '%_');
return !empty($fields) ? etc_search_query($q, $fields, $etc_search_ops) : $q;
function etc_search_term($event, $step)
global $pretext, $etc_search_match;
$etc_search_match = true;
if($pretext['q'] === '') $pretext['q'] = gps('etc_search');
$etc_format = htmlspecialchars_decode(gps('etc_q'));
if($etc_format === '') return;
$pretext['q'] = preg_replace_callback("/\{(.+)\}/Us", 'etc_search_gps', $etc_format);
if(!$etc_search_match) $pretext['q'] = '';
function etc_search_results($atts, $thing=null, $live=false)
global $has_article_tag, $prefs, $pretext;
$has_article_tag = true;
'id' => '',
// 'format' => '{q}',
'query' => null,
// 'html_id' => '',
'form' => '',
'limit' => 10,
'wraptag' => '',
'class' => '',
'break' => ''
), $atts));
if(isset($query)) $params = array('etc_search' => do_list($id), 'q' => $query);
else {
extract($params = gpsa(array('etc_search', 'etc_limit', 'etc_q', 'etc_f', 'etc_w', 'etc_b')));
$params['q'] = trim($pretext['q']);
if($params['q'] === '') return '';
if($etc_search) {
@list($hash, $search) = explode('.', $etc_search, 2);
if(md5(get_pref('etc_search_hash').($live ? $etc_f.$etc_w.$etc_b.intval($etc_limit): '').$etc_q.$search) !== $hash) return '';
$params['etc_search'] = $search;
$params['etc_search'] = array_map('intval', do_list($params['etc_search'], '.'));
if($id !== '') $params['etc_search'] = $id[0] === '-' ? array_diff($params['etc_search'], do_list(substr($id, 1))) : array_intersect($params['etc_search'], do_list($id));
if($params['q'] === '' || empty($params['etc_search'])) return '';
if($live) {$wraptag = $params['etc_w']; $break = $params['etc_b']; $form = $params['etc_f']; $limit = $params['etc_limit'];}
$falsePart = isset($thing) ? EvalElse($thing, 0) : gTxt('no_search_matches');
if($form) $thing = fetch_form($form);
$thing = isset($thing) ? EvalElse($thing, 1) : '';
if($limit) $params['etc_limit'] = $limit;
if($form) $params['etc_f'] = $form;
if($thing) $params['etc_t'] = $thing;
$params['q'] = doSlash($params['q']);
if(!isset($query)) $params['q'] = addcslashes($params['q'], '%_');
$o = etc_search_get_results($params, $live);
return ($o ? doWrap($o, $wraptag, $break, $class) : ($o === null ? '' : parse($falsePart)));
function etc_search($atts, $thing = '')
global $prefs;
'id' => '0',
'target' => '',
'live' => '600',
'match' => '',
'action' => null,
'format' => '',
'minlength' => 1,
'html_id' => str_replace('.', '', uniqid("live_search_", true)),
'label' => gTxt('search'),
'size' => 0,
'placeholder' => '',
'limit' => 0,
'form' => '',
'class' => '',
'wraptag' => '',
'break' => 'br'
), $atts));
$id = implode('.', do_list($id));
$live = /*$thing ? 0 :*/ intval($live);
$limit = intval($limit);
$minlength = intval($minlength);
$qs = array();
if($action === null) $action = rhu;
else parse_str(parse_url($action, PHP_URL_QUERY), $qs);
unset($qs['q'], $qs['m'], $qs['pg'], $qs['etc_search'], $qs['etc_limit'], $qs['etc_q']);
// $hash = $id || $limit ? md5($prefs['etc_search_hash'].$limit.$id).'.'.$id : '';
$hash = $id ? md5($prefs['etc_search_hash'].$format.$id).'.'.$id : '';
$q = (!$id || gps('etc_search') == $hash ? htmlspecialchars(gps('q')) : '');
$inputs = '';
if($hash) $inputs .= '<input type="hidden" data-etc="search" name="etc_search" value="'.$hash.'" />'.n;
if($format) $inputs .= '<input type="hidden" data-etc="search" name="etc_q" value="'.htmlspecialchars($format).'" />'.n;
// if($limit) $inputs .= '<input type="hidden" data-etc="search" name="etc_limit" value="'.$limit.'" />'.n;
if($match) $inputs .= '<input type="hidden" data-etc="search" name="m" value="'.$match.'" />'.n;
foreach($qs as $key => $val) $inputs .= '<input type="hidden" data-etc="search" name="'.htmlspecialchars($key).'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'" />'.n;
$inputs .= $thing ? parse($thing) : '<input type="search" name="q"'.($size ? ' size="'.intval($size).'"' : '').' value="'.$q.'" placeholder="'.$placeholder.'" autocomplete="off" />'.n;
$out = '<form id="'.$html_id.'" class="'.$class.'" method="get" action="'.$action.'">'.n
.($label ? '<label>'.$label.'<br /></label>' : '').$inputs
if($live) {
$hash = md5($prefs['etc_search_hash'].$form.$wraptag.$break.$limit.$format.$id).'.'.$id;
$results_opts = array();
$results_opts[] ='etc_search:"'.$hash.'"';
if($form) $results_opts[] = 'etc_f:"'.$form.'"';
if($break) $results_opts[] ='etc_b:"'.$break.'"';
if($wraptag) $results_opts[] = 'etc_w:"'.$wraptag.'"';
if($limit) $results_opts[] = 'etc_limit:"'.$limit.'"';
$out .= '<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA['.n.'$(function () {'.n
.'etc_live_search('.$live.','.$minlength.',"'.$html_id.'","'.$target.'",{'.implode(',', $results_opts).'});'.n
return $out;