* com_connect: A Textpattern CMS plugin for mail delivery of contact forms.
// Register tags if necessary.
if (class_exists('\Textpattern\Tag\Registry')) {
* Tag: encapsulate a contact form.
* Triggers the following callbacks:
* -> 'comconnect.form' during form rendering so additional fields (e.g. spam honeypots) can be injected.
* -> 'comconnect.render' immediately prior to form rendering so other parts of the form content may be altered.
* -> 'comconnect.submit' on successful posting of form data. Primarily of use for spam
* plugins: they can return a non-zero value to signal that the form should NOT be sent.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @param string $thing Tag's container content
function com_connect($atts, $thing = '')
global $sitename, $com_connect_flags, $com_connect_from,
$com_connect_recipient, $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit,
$com_connect_form, $com_connect_labels, $com_connect_values;
'body_form' => '',
'class' => 'comConnectForm',
'classes' => '',
'copysender' => 0,
'expire' => 600,
'form' => '',
'from' => '',
'from_form' => '',
'label' => null,
'browser_validate' => 1,
'redirect' => '',
'required' => '1',
'show_error' => 1,
'show_input' => 1,
'send_article' => 0,
'subject' => null,
'subject_form' => '',
'to' => '',
'to_form' => '',
'thanks' => null,
'thanks_form' => ''
), $atts));
if (!empty($lang)) {
$strings = com_connect_load_lang($lang);
$current = Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Lang')->getStrings();
$textarray = array_merge($current, $strings);
// Set defaults, in the local language if necessary.
if ($label === null) {
$label = gTxt('com_connect_contact');
if ($subject === null) {
$subject = gTxt('com_connect_email_subject', array('{site}' => html_entity_decode($sitename,ENT_QUOTES)));
if ($thanks === null) {
$thanks = graf(gTxt('com_connect_email_thanks'));
unset($atts['show_error'], $atts['show_input']);
$defaultClassNames = array(
'element' => 'errorElement',
'wrapper' => 'comError',
'required' => 'comRequired',
'thanks' => 'comThanks',
$com_connect_form_id = md5(serialize($atts) . preg_replace('/[\t\s\r\n]/', '', $thing));
$com_connect_submit = (ps('com_connect_form_id') == $com_connect_form_id);
$override_email_charset = (get_pref('override_emailcharset') && is_callable('utf8_decode'));
$userClassNames = do_list($classes);
foreach (array_merge($defaultClassNames, $userClassNames) as $classKey => $classValue) {
if (strpos($classValue, ':') !== false) {
$classParts = do_list($classValue, ':');
if (count($classParts) === 2) {
$com_connect_flags['cls_' . $classParts[0]] = $classParts[1];
} elseif ($classKey && $classValue) {
$com_connect_flags['cls_' . $classKey] = $classValue;
// The $com_connect_flags['this_form'] global is set if an id is supplied for the <form>.
// This value then becomes the default value for all html_form (a.k.a. form=)
// attributes for any input tags in this tag's container, providing HTML5 is in use.
$com_connect_flags['this_form'] = 'com' . $com_connect_form_id;
// Global toggle for required attribute.
$com_connect_flags['required'] = $required;
$now = time();
$now_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now);
$expire = abs(assert_int($expire));
static $headers_sent = false;
if (!$headers_sent) {
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $now - (3600 * 24 * 7)) . ' GMT');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $now + $expire) . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
$headers_sent = true;
$nonce = doSlash(ps('com_connect_nonce'));
$renonce = false;
if ($com_connect_submit) {
// Since multiple com_connect forms could delete data that might be in use by other forms,
// protect them by using a well-known minimum value of 10 minutes. Not perfect.
// Using multiple forms on a page will result in them all adopting the lowest expiry time.
safe_delete('txp_discuss_nonce', "issue_time < date_sub('$now_date', interval ".max(600, $expire)." second)");
if ($rs = safe_row('used', 'txp_discuss_nonce', "nonce = '$nonce'")) {
if ($rs['used']) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_form_used');
$renonce = true;
$_POST = array();
$_POST['com_connect_submit'] = true;
$_POST['com_connect_form_id'] = $com_connect_form_id;
$_POST['com_connect_nonce'] = $nonce;
} else {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_form_expired');
$renonce = true;
if ($com_connect_submit && $nonce && !$renonce) {
$com_connect_nonce = $nonce;
} elseif (!$show_error || $show_input) {
$com_connect_nonce = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
safe_insert('txp_discuss_nonce', "issue_time = '" . $now_date . "', nonce = '$com_connect_nonce'");
$form = ($form) ? fetch_form($form) : $thing;
if (empty($form)) {
$form = '
<txp:com_connect_text label="'.gTxt('com_connect_name').'" /><br />
<txp:com_connect_email /><br />'.
($send_article ? '<txp:com_connect_email send_article="1" label="'.gTxt('com_connect_recipient').'" /><br />' : '').
'<txp:com_connect_textarea /><br />
<txp:com_connect_submit />
$form = parse($form);
// Perform aggregate functions for checking radio sets.
if ($com_connect_submit) {
if ($to_form) {
$to = parse_form($to_form);
if (!$to && !$send_article) {
return gTxt('com_connect_to_missing');
$out = '';
if (!$com_connect_submit) {
// Don't show errors or send mail.
} elseif (!empty($com_connect_error)) {
if ($show_error || !$show_input) {
$out .= n.doWrap(array_unique($com_connect_error), 'ul', 'li', $com_connect_flags['cls_wrapper']).n;
if (!$show_input) {
return $out;
} elseif ($show_input && is_array($com_connect_form)) {
// Load and check spam plugins.
$evaluation =& get_comconnect_evaluator();
$clean = $evaluation->get_comconnect_status();
if ($clean != 0) {
return $evaluation->get_comconnect_reason();
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$com_connect_flags['boundary'] = "Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
if ($from_form) {
$from = parse_form($from_form);
if ($subject_form) {
$subject = parse_form($subject_form);
$sep = IS_WIN ? "\r\n" : "\n";
$msg = array();
$fields = array();
foreach ($com_connect_labels as $name => $lbl) {
$com_connect_values[$name] = doArray($com_connect_values[$name], 'trim');
if ($com_connect_values[$name] === false) {
$msg[] = $lbl . ': ' . (is_array($com_connect_values[$name]) ? implode(',', $com_connect_values[$name]) : $com_connect_values[$name]);
$fields[$name] = $com_connect_values[$name];
if ($send_article) {
global $thisarticle;
$subject = str_replace('&', '&', $thisarticle['title']);
$msg[] = permlinkurl($thisarticle);
$msg[] = $subject;
$s_ar = array('‘', '’', '“', '”', '’', '′', '″', '…', '–', '—', '×', '™', '®', '©', '<', '>', '"', '&', '&', "\t", '<p');
if ($override_email_charset) {
$r_ar = array("'", "'", '"', '"', "'", "'", '"', '...', '-', '--', 'x', '[tm]', '(r)', '(c)', '<', '>', '"', '&', '&', ' ', "\n<p");
} else {
$r_ar = array('‘', '’', '“', '”', '’', '?', '?', '…', '–', '—', '×', '™', '®', '©', '<', '>', '"', '&', '&', ' ', "\n<p");
$msg[] = trim(strip_tags(str_replace($s_ar, $r_ar, (trim(strip_tags($thisarticle['excerpt'])) ? $thisarticle['excerpt'] : $thisarticle['body']))));
if (empty($com_connect_recipient)) {
return gTxt('com_connect_field_missing', array('{field}' => gTxt('com_connect_recipient')));
} else {
$to = $com_connect_recipient;
$com_connect_flags['charset'] = $override_email_charset ? 'ISO-8859-1' : 'UTF-8';
$com_connect_flags['content_type'] = 'text/plain';
$com_connect_flags['xfer_encoding'] = '8bit';
$reply = com_connect_strip($from ? $com_connect_from : '');
$from = com_connect_strip($from ? $from : $com_connect_from);
$to = com_connect_strip($to);
$subject = com_connect_strip($subject);
$body = implode("\n\n", $msg);
if ($body_form) {
$body = parse_form($body_form);
$body = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), array("\n", "\n", $sep), $body);
$body = com_connect_strip($body, false);
if ($override_email_charset) {
$subject = utf8_decode($subject);
$body = utf8_decode($body);
$subject = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Mail\Encode')->header($subject, 'text');
$headers = array(
'from' => $from,
'separator' => $sep,
'reply' => $reply,
'charset' => $com_connect_flags['charset'],
'content_type' => $com_connect_flags['content_type'],
'xfer_encoding' => $com_connect_flags['xfer_encoding'],
safe_update('txp_discuss_nonce', "used = '1', issue_time = '$now_date'", "nonce = '$nonce'");
if (com_connect_deliver($to, $subject, $body, $headers, $fields, array('isCopy' => false, 'redirect' => $redirect))) {
$_POST = array();
if ($copysender && $com_connect_from) {
com_connect_deliver(com_connect_strip($com_connect_from), $subject, $body, $headers, $fields, array('isCopy' => true, 'redirect' => $redirect));
if ($redirect) {
while (@ob_end_clean());
$uri = hu.ltrim($redirect,'/');
if (empty($_SERVER['FCGI_ROLE']) && empty($_ENV['FCGI_ROLE'])) {
txp_status_header('303 See Other');
header('Location: '.$uri);
header('Connection: close');
header('Content-Length: 0');
} else {
$uri = txpspecialchars($uri);
$refresh = gTxt('com_connect_refresh');
echo <<<END
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=$uri">
<a href="$uri">$refresh</a>
} else {
return '<div class="' . $com_connect_flags['cls_thanks'] . '" id="com'.$com_connect_form_id.'">' .
($thanks_form ? parse_form($thanks_form) : $thanks) .
} else {
// Plugin modules may have set error messages: display if appropriate.
if ($com_connect_error) {
$out .= n.doWrap(array_unique($com_connect_error), 'ul', 'li', $com_connect_flags['cls_wrapper']).n;
} else {
$out .= graf(gTxt('com_connect_mail_sorry'));
if ($show_input && !$send_article || gps('com_connect_send_article')) {
$contactForm = '<form method="post"' . ((!$show_error && $com_connect_error) ? '' : ' id="com' . $com_connect_form_id . '"') .
($class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '') .
($browser_validate ? '' : ' novalidate') .
' action="' . txpspecialchars(serverSet('REQUEST_URI')) . '#com' . $com_connect_form_id . '">' .
($label ? n . '<fieldset>' : '') .
($label ? n . '<legend>' . txpspecialchars($label) . '</legend>' : '') .
$out .
n . '<input type="hidden" name="com_connect_nonce" value="' . $com_connect_nonce . '" />' .
n . '<input type="hidden" name="com_connect_form_id" value="' . $com_connect_form_id . '" />' .
$form .
callback_event('comconnect.form') .
($label ? (n . '</fieldset>') : '') .
n . '</form>';
callback_event_ref('comconnect.render', '', 0, $contactForm, $atts);
return $contactForm;
return '';
* Tag: Render a text input field.
* Many different $types are allowed. In fact, the $type attribute is not
* restricted in any way to allow for any future types. This does bring some
* developer responsibility if you wish your document to validate because
* not all attributes will be valid for all input types, despite the plugin
* faithfully rendering whatever attributes it is given.
* A lot of invalid situations are recognised (e.g. only permitting max/min/step
* to occur on 'numeric' input types) but some are not easily trappable so they
* are left to user discretion.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_text($atts)
global $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit, $com_connect_flags;
'autocomplete' => '',
'break' => br,
'class' => 'comText',
'default' => '',
'html_form' => $com_connect_flags['this_form'],
'isError' => '',
'inputmode' => '',
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_text'),
'label_position' => 'before',
'max' => null,
'min' => null,
'name' => '',
'pattern' => '',
'placeholder' => '',
'required' => $com_connect_flags['required'],
'size' => '',
'step' => '',
'type' => 'text',
), $atts));
$doctype = get_pref('doctype', 'xhtml');
$datetime_types = array(
$numeric_types = array(
$is_datetime = (in_array($type, $datetime_types));
$is_numeric = (in_array($type, $numeric_types));
// Dates / times get special treatment: no default min/max if not set by tag.
if (!$is_datetime && $min === null) {
$min = 0;
if (!$is_datetime && $max === null) {
$max = 100;
if (empty($name)) {
$name = com_connect_label2name($label);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
if ($com_connect_submit) {
$value = trim(ps($name));
$utf8len = preg_match_all("/./su", $value, $utf8ar);
$hlabel = txpspecialchars($label);
$datetime_ok = true;
if ($is_datetime) {
$minval = $min;
$maxval = $max;
$cmpval = $value;
try {
$dt = new DateTime($cmpval);
$cmpval = $dt->format('U');
if ($min) {
$dt = new DateTime($min);
$minval = $dt->format('U');
if ($max) {
$dt = new DateTime($max);
$maxval = $dt->format('U');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$datetime_ok = false;
if (strlen($value)) {
if (!$utf8len) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_invalid_utf8', array('{field}' => $hlabel));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($is_datetime && !$datetime_ok) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_format_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $value));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($min && !$is_numeric && !$is_datetime && $utf8len < $min) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_min_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $min));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($max && !$is_numeric && !$is_datetime && $utf8len > $max) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_max_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $max));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($min && $is_datetime && $cmpval < $minval) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_minval_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $min));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($max && $is_datetime && $cmpval > $maxval) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_maxval_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $max));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($min && $is_numeric && $value < $min) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_minval_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $min));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($max && $is_numeric && $value > $max) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_maxval_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $max));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($pattern and !preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'$/', $value)) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_pattern_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $pattern));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
com_connect_store($name, $label, $value);
} elseif ($required) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_field_missing', array('{field}' => $hlabel));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
$value = $default;
// Core attributes.
$attr = com_connect_build_atts(array(
'id' => (isset($id) ? $id : $name),
'name' => $name,
'type' => $type,
'value' => $value,
if ($size && !$is_numeric) {
$attr['size'] = 'size="' . intval($size) . '"';
if ($min && !$is_numeric) {
$attr['minlength'] = 'minlength="' . intval($min) . '"';
if ($max && !$is_numeric) {
$attr['maxlength'] = 'maxlength="' . intval($max) . '"';
if ($doctype !== 'xhtml' && ($is_numeric || $is_datetime)) {
// Not using intval() because min/max/step can be floating point values.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'min' => $min,
'max' => $max,
'step' => $step,
// HTML5 attributes.
$required = ($required) ? 'required' : '';
if ($doctype !== 'xhtml') {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'autocomplete' => $autocomplete,
'form' => $html_form,
'inputmode' => $inputmode,
'pattern' => $pattern,
'placeholder' => $placeholder,
'required' => $required,
if ($isError) {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'aria-invalid' => 'true',
// Global attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts($com_connect_globals, $atts);
$classes = array();
foreach (array($class, ($required ? $com_connect_flags['cls_required'] : ''), $isError) as $cls) {
if ($cls) {
$classes[] = $cls;
$classStr = ($classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : '');
$labelStr = ($label) ? '<label for="' . $name . '"' . $classStr . '>' . txpspecialchars($label) . '</label>' : '';
return ($labelStr && $label_position === 'before' ? $labelStr . $break : '') .
'<input' . $classStr . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') . ' />' .
($labelStr && $label_position === 'after' ? $break . $labelStr : '');
* Tag: Render an email input field.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_email($atts)
global $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit, $com_connect_from, $com_connect_recipient, $com_connect_flags;
// TODO: 'multiple' attribute?
$defaults = array(
'autocomplete' => '',
'break' => br,
'class' => 'comEmail',
'default' => '',
'html_form' => $com_connect_flags['this_form'],
'isError' => '',
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_email'),
'label_position' => 'before',
'max' => 100,
'min' => 0,
'name' => '',
'pattern' => '',
'placeholder' => '',
'required' => $com_connect_flags['required'],
'send_article' => 0,
'size' => '',
'type' => 'email',
extract(com_connect_lAtts($defaults, $atts));
if (empty($name)) {
$name = com_connect_label2name($label);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
$email = $com_connect_submit ? trim(ps($name)) : $default;
if ($com_connect_submit && strlen($email)) {
if (!is_valid_email($email)) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_invalid_email', array('{email}' => txpspecialchars($email)));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
preg_match("/@(.+)$/", $email, $match);
$domain = $match[1];
if (is_callable('checkdnsrr') && checkdnsrr('textpattern.com.','A') && !checkdnsrr($domain.'.','MX') && !checkdnsrr($domain.'.','A')) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_invalid_host', array('{host}' => txpspecialchars($domain)));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
if ($send_article) {
$com_connect_recipient = $email;
} else {
$com_connect_from = $email;
$passed_atts = array();
foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
$passed_atts[$key] = $$key;
$passed_atts['isError'] = $isError;
unset ($passed_atts['send_article']);
return com_connect_text($passed_atts);
* Tag: Render a textarea input field.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_textarea($atts)
global $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit, $com_connect_flags;
'autocomplete' => '',
'break' => br,
'class' => 'comTextarea',
'cols' => 58,
'default' => '',
'html_form' => $com_connect_flags['this_form'],
'isError' => '',
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_message'),
'label_position' => 'before',
'max' => 10000,
'min' => 0,
'name' => '',
'placeholder' => '',
'required' => $com_connect_flags['required'],
'rows' => 8,
'wrap' => '',
), $atts));
$min = intval($min);
$max = intval($max);
if (empty($name)) {
$name = com_connect_label2name($label);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
$doctype = get_pref('doctype', 'xhtml');
if ($com_connect_submit) {
$value = preg_replace('/^\s*[\r\n]/', '', rtrim(ps($name)));
$utf8len = preg_match_all("/./su", ltrim($value), $utf8ar);
$hlabel = txpspecialchars($label);
if (strlen(ltrim($value))) {
if (!$utf8len) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_invalid_utf8', array('{field}' => $hlabel));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($min && $utf8len < $min) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_min_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $min));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($max && $utf8len > $max) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_max_warning', array('{field}' => $hlabel, '{value}' => $max));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
com_connect_store($name, $label, $value);
} elseif ($required) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_field_missing', array('{field}' => $hlabel));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
$value = $default;
// Core attributes.
$attr = com_connect_build_atts(array(
'id' => (isset($id) ? $id : $name),
'name' => $name,
'cols' => intval($cols),
'rows' => intval($rows),
'maxlength' => $max,
// HTML5 attributes.
$required = ($required) ? 'required' : '';
if ($doctype !== 'xhtml') {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'autocomplete' => $autocomplete,
'form' => $html_form,
'placeholder' => $placeholder,
'required' => $required,
if ($isError) {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'aria-invalid' => 'true',
// Global attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts($com_connect_globals, $atts);
$classes = array();
foreach (array($class, ($required ? $com_connect_flags['cls_required'] : ''), $isError) as $cls) {
if ($cls) {
$classes[] = $cls;
$classStr = ($classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : '');
$labelStr = ($label) ? '<label for="' . $name . '"' . $classStr . '>' . txpspecialchars($label) . '</label>' : '';
return ($labelStr && $label_position === 'before' ? $labelStr . $break : '') .
'<textarea' . $classStr . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') . '>' . txpspecialchars($value) . '</textarea>' .
($labelStr && $label_position === 'after' ? $break . $labelStr : '');
* Tag: Render a select/option input list.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_select($atts, $thing = '')
global $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit, $com_connect_flags;
'break' => br,
'class' => 'comSelect',
'delimiter' => ',',
'html_form' => $com_connect_flags['this_form'],
'isError' => '',
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_option'),
'label_position' => 'before',
'list' => '', // TODO: remove from here in favour of the global list attribute.
'multiple' => '',
'options' => gTxt('com_connect_general_inquiry'),
'name' => '',
'required' => $com_connect_flags['required'],
'selected' => '',
'size' => '',
), $atts));
// Detect old-school use of the list attribute. Note that deprecated_function_with
// isn't strictly the correct error to throw, but it's close enough until core has
// a dedicated deprecated_attribute_with string.
if (!empty($list) && strpos($list, $delimiter) !== false) {
$options = $list;
trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_function_with', array('{name}' => 'list', '{with}' => 'options')), E_USER_NOTICE);
unset($list, $atts['list']);
if (empty($name)) {
$name = com_connect_label2name($label);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
$value = ($com_connect_submit) ? (array)doArray(ps($name), 'trim') : do_list_unique($selected);
$doctype = get_pref('doctype', 'xhtml');
if ($thing) {
com_connect_option(null, $value);
$out = parse($thing);
$options = com_connect_option(null, null);
} else {
$options = array_map('trim', explode($delimiter, preg_replace('/[\r\n\t\s]+/', ' ', $options)));
$out = '';
foreach ($options as $item) {
$safeItem = txpspecialchars($item);
$val = '';
if (preg_match('@^\{(.*)\}$@', $safeItem, $emptyLabel)) {
$val = ' value="" label="' . $emptyLabel[1] . '"';
$safeItem = '';
$sel = (in_array($safeItem, $value)) ? ' selected' . (($doctype === 'xhtml') ? '="selected"' : '') : '';
$out .= n.t.'<option' . $sel . $val . '>' . (strlen($safeItem) ? $safeItem : '') . '</option>';
if ($com_connect_submit) {
if ($value) {
if (com_connect_in_array($value, $options)) {
com_connect_store($name, $label, $value);
} else {
$val = doArray($value, 'txpspecialchars');
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_invalid_value', array('{field}' => txpspecialchars($label), '{value}' => is_array($val) ? $val[0] : $val));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} elseif ($required) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_field_missing', array('{field}' => txpspecialchars($label)));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
$value = $selected;
// Core attributes.
$attr = com_connect_build_atts(array(
'id' => (isset($id) ? $id : $name),
'name' => $name.($multiple ? '[]' : ''),
'multiple' => $multiple,
if ($size && is_numeric($size)) {
$attr['size'] = 'size="' . intval($size) . '"';
// HTML5 attributes.
$required = ($required) ? 'required' : '';
if ($doctype !== 'xhtml') {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'form' => $html_form,
'required' => $required,
if ($isError) {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'aria-invalid' => 'true',
// Global attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts($com_connect_globals, $atts);
$classes = array();
foreach (array($class, ($required ? $com_connect_flags['cls_required'] : ''), $isError) as $cls) {
if ($cls) {
$classes[] = $cls;
$classStr = ($classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : '');
$labelStr = ($label) ? '<label for="' . $name . '"' . $classStr . '>' . txpspecialchars($label) . '</label>' : '';
return ($labelStr && $label_position === 'before' ? $labelStr . $break : '') .
n . '<select' . $classStr . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') . '>' .
$out .
n . '</select>' .
($labelStr && $label_position === 'after' ? $break . $labelStr : '');
* Tag: Render a set of select options.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @param string $thing Tag's container
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_option($atts, $thing = null)
static $options;
static $match;
if ($atts === null) {
if ($thing === null) {
return $options;
} else {
$match = $thing;
global $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit;
'class' => 'comOption',
'label' => null,
'selected' => null,
'value' => null,
), $atts));
$val = ($value === null) ? (!empty($thing) ? $thing : (!empty($label) ? $label : null)) : $value;
$label = ($label === null) ? (!empty($thing) ? $thing : (!empty($value) ? $value : null)) : $label;
$attr = array();
$doctype = get_pref('doctype', 'xhtml');
if ($com_connect_submit) {
$options[] = $val;
if ($val !== null && (in_array((string)$val, (array)$match))) {
$attr[] = 'selected' . (($doctype === 'xhtml') ? '="selected"' : '');
} elseif ($selected || ($val !== null && (in_array((string)$val, (array)$match)))) {
$attr[] = 'selected' . (($doctype === 'xhtml') ? '="selected"' : '');
$defaults = array();
if (preg_match('@^\{(.*)\}$@', $label, $emptyLabel)) {
$val = $defaults['value'] = "";
$defaults['label'] = $emptyLabel[1];
$label = '';
// Core attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'value' => $val,
'label' => $label,
), $defaults);
// Global attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts($com_connect_globals, $atts);
$classStr = (($class) ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '');
return '<option' . $classStr . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') . '>' . txpspecialchars($label) . '</option>';
* Tag: Render a checkbox.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string HTML
* @todo checkbox groups?
function com_connect_checkbox($atts)
global $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit, $com_connect_flags;
'break' => ' ',
'checked' => 0,
'class' => 'comCheckbox',
'html_form' => $com_connect_flags['this_form'],
'isError' => '',
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_checkbox'),
'label_position' => 'after',
'name' => '',
'required' => $com_connect_flags['required'],
'value' => null,
), $atts));
if (empty($name)) {
$name = com_connect_label2name($label);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
$doctype = get_pref('doctype', 'xhtml');
if ($com_connect_submit) {
$theValue = (bool) ps($name);
if ($required && !$theValue) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_field_missing', array('{field}' => txpspecialchars($label)));
$isError = $com_connect_flags['cls_element'];
} else {
$toStore = (($value !== null && $theValue) ? $value : ($theValue ? gTxt('yes') : gTxt('no')));
com_connect_store($name, $label, $toStore);
} else {
$theValue = $checked;
// Core attributes.
$attr = com_connect_build_atts(array(
'id' => (isset($id) ? $id : $name),
'name' => $name,
if ($value !== null) {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'value' => $value,
// HTML5 attributes.
$required = ($required) ? 'required' : '';
if ($doctype !== 'xhtml') {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'form' => $html_form,
'required' => $required,
if ($isError) {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'aria-invalid' => 'true',
// Global attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts($com_connect_globals, $atts);
$classes = array();
foreach (array($class, ($required ? $com_connect_flags['cls_required'] : ''), $isError) as $cls) {
if ($cls) {
$classes[] = $cls;
$classStr = ($classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : '');
$labelStr = ($label) ? '<label for="' . $name . '"' . $classStr . '>' . txpspecialchars($label) . '</label>' : '';
return ($labelStr && $label_position === 'before' ? $labelStr . $break : '') .
'<input type="checkbox"' . $classStr .
($theValue ? ' checked' . (($doctype === 'xhtml') ? '="checked"' : '') : '') . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') . ' />' .
($labelStr && $label_position === 'after' ? $break . $labelStr : '');
* Tag: Render a radio button.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_radio($atts)
global $com_connect_error, $com_connect_submit, $com_connect_values, $com_connect_flags, $com_connect_group;
'break' => ' ',
'checked' => 0,
'class' => 'comRadio',
'group' => '',
'html_form' => $com_connect_flags['this_form'],
'isError' => '',
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_option'),
'label_position' => 'after',
'name' => '',
'required' => null,
'value' => null,
), $atts));
static $cur_name = array();
static $cur_req = array();
static $cur_group = null;
if (!$group) {
if ($cur_group === null) {
$group = gTxt('com_connect_radio');
} else {
$group = $cur_group;
} else {
if (!$name) {
$name = $group;
if (isset($cur_name[$group])) {
if (!$name) {
$name = $cur_name[$group];
} else {
if ($name) {
$cur_name[$group] = $name;
} else {
$name = $cur_name[$group] = gTxt('com_connect_radio');
if (isset($cur_req[$group])) {
if ($required === null) {
$required = $cur_req[$group];
} else {
if ($required === null) {
$required = $cur_req[$group] = $com_connect_flags['required'];
} else {
$cur_req[$group] = $required;
$cur_group = $group;
$id = 'q' . md5($name . '=>' . $label);
$name = com_connect_label2name($name);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
$doctype = get_pref('doctype', 'xhtml');
$com_connect_group[$name][$id]['req'] = $required;
$com_connect_group[$name][$id]['label'] = $group;
if ($com_connect_submit) {
$toCompare = ($value === null ? $id : $value);
$is_checked = (ps($name) == $toCompare);
$com_connect_group[$name][$id]['isSet'] = $is_checked;
if ($is_checked || $checked && !isset($com_connect_values[$name])) {
com_connect_store($name, $group, ($value !== null ? $value : $label));
} else {
$is_checked = $checked;
// Core attributes.
$attr = com_connect_build_atts(array(
'id' => $id,
'name' => $name,
'value' => ($value !== null ? $value : $id),
// HTML5 attributes.
$required = ($required) ? 'required' : '';
if ($doctype !== 'xhtml') {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'form' => $html_form,
'required' => $required,
// Global attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts($com_connect_globals, $atts);
$classes = array();
foreach (array($class, ($required ? $com_connect_flags['cls_required'] : ''), $isError) as $cls) {
if ($cls) {
$classes[] = $cls;
$classStr = ($classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : '');
$labelStr = ($label) ? '<label for="' . $id . '"' . $classStr . '>' . txpspecialchars($label) . '</label>' : '';
return ($labelStr && $label_position === 'before' ? $labelStr . $break : '') .
'<input type="radio"'. $classStr . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') .
( $is_checked ? ' checked' . (($doctype === 'xhtml') ? '="checked"' : ''). ' />' : ' />') .
($labelStr && $label_position === 'after' ? $break . $labelStr : '');
* Tag: Store server information in the payload.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
function com_connect_serverinfo($atts)
global $com_connect_submit;
'label' => '',
'name' => '',
), $atts));
if (empty($name)) {
$name = com_connect_label2name($label);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
if (strlen($name) && $com_connect_submit) {
if (!$label) {
$label = $name;
com_connect_store($name, $label, serverSet($name));
* Tag: Store a secret value in the payload.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
function com_connect_secret($atts, $thing = '')
global $com_connect_submit;
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_secret'),
'name' => '',
'value' => '',
), $atts));
$name = com_connect_label2name($name ? $name : $label);
$name = sanitizeForUrl($name);
if ($com_connect_submit) {
if ($thing) {
$value = trim(parse($thing));
com_connect_store($name, $label, $value);
return '';
* Tag: Render a submit button.
* If the container is used, a button tag is rendered, otherwise a
* standard input type=submit button is rendered.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @param string $thing Tag's container
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_submit($atts, $thing = '')
global $com_connect_flags;
'class' => 'comSubmit',
'html_form' => $com_connect_flags['this_form'],
'label' => gTxt('com_connect_send'),
), $atts));
$label = txpspecialchars($label);
$doctype = get_pref('doctype', 'xhtml');
$attr = array();
// HTML5 attributes.
if ($doctype !== 'xhtml') {
$attr += com_connect_build_atts(array(
'form' => $html_form,
// Global attributes.
$attr += com_connect_build_atts($com_connect_globals, $atts);
$classStr = ($class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '');
if ($thing) {
return '<button type="submit"' . $classStr . ' name="com_connect_submit" value="' . $label . '"' . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') . '>' . ($thing ? trim(parse($thing)) : $label) . '</button>';
} else {
return '<input type="submit"' . $classStr . ' name="com_connect_submit" value="' . $label . '"' . ($attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attr) : '') . ' />';
* Tag: Render a link to allow someone to forward a page to a friend.
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string HTML
function com_connect_send_article($atts)
if (!isset($_REQUEST['com_connect_send_article'])) {
$linktext = (empty($atts['linktext'])) ? gTxt('com_connect_send_article') : $atts['linktext'];
$join = (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) ? '?' : '&';
$href = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . $join . 'com_connect_send_article=yes';
return '<a href="' . txpspecialchars($href) . '" rel="nofollow">' . txpspecialchars($linktext) . '</a>';
* Replace mime tags with boundary text
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @return string Boundary
function com_connect_mime($atts)
global $com_connect_flags;
$boundary = $com_connect_flags['boundary'];
$charset = $com_connect_flags['charset'];
$encoding = $com_connect_flags['xfer_encoding'];
'type' => 'text',
), $atts));
// Build mimes - trailing blank line is necessary.
$text_mime = <<<text_mime
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$charset
Content-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding
$html_mime = <<<html_mime
Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset
Content-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding
$end_mime = <<<end_mime
// Overwrite default content-type header.
$com_connect_flags['content_type'] = 'multipart/alternative; boundary="'.$boundary.'"';
if ($type === 'text') {
return $text_mime;
if ($type === 'html') {
return $html_mime;
if ($type === 'end') {
return $end_mime;
* Perform post-processing for aggregate (group) controls like radio sets.
* @todo Can this be done any neater?
* @todo Should this be exposed as a callback to allow plugins to extend the functionality?
function com_connect_group_validate()
global $com_connect_group, $com_connect_error;
$flags = array();
if ($com_connect_group) {
foreach ($com_connect_group as $key => $grp) {
foreach ($grp as $id => $atts) {
$flags[$key]['label'] = $atts['label'];
if (!empty($atts['req']) && !isset($flags[$key]['req'])) {
$flags[$key]['req'] = 1;
if (!empty($atts['isSet']) && !isset($flags[$key]['isSet'])) {
$flags[$key]['isSet'] = 1;
foreach ($flags as $key => $data) {
if (!empty($data['req']) && !isset($data['isSet'])) {
$com_connect_error[] = gTxt('com_connect_field_missing', array('{field}' => txpspecialchars($data['label'])));
* Process tag attributes and set defaults.
* Handles HTML 'global' attributes too, though what we consider global differs slightly
* from the W3C: any attributes that apply to most of the <input> tags is considered
* global. Just saves repetitive code in each tag handler.
* Note that 'class' is omitted, because that has different default values per input
* widget, so it is dealt with explicitly in each tag handler.
* @param array $arr Acceptable tag attributes
* @param array $atts User-submitted attribute values
* @return array
function com_connect_lAtts($pairs, $atts)
foreach (array('button', 'copysender', 'checked', 'required', 'send_article', 'show_input', 'show_error') as $key) {
if (isset($atts[$key])) {
$atts[$key] = ($atts[$key] === 'yes' || intval($atts[$key])) ? 1 : 0;
if (isset($atts['break']) && $atts['break'] === 'br') {
$atts['break'] = '<br />';
$com_connect_globals = array(
'accesskey' => '',
'autofocus' => '',
'dir' => '',
'disabled' => '',
'hidden' => '',
'id' => '',
'lang' => '',
'list' => '',
'readonly' => '',
'spellcheck' => '',
'style' => '',
'tabindex' => '',
'title' => '',
'translate' => '',
foreach ($atts as $name => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $pairs) || substr($name, 0, 2) === 'on' || array_key_exists($name, $com_connect_globals)) {
$pairs[$name] = $value;
} elseif (get_pref('production_status') != 'live') {
trigger_error(gTxt('unknown_attribute', array('{att}' => $name)));
$pairs['com_connect_globals'] = $com_connect_globals;
// Prevent global attributes from interfering.
// See https://github.com/textpattern/textpattern/pull/893
lAtts(deNull($pairs), $atts, false);
return ($pairs) ? $pairs : false;
* Build a sanitized, unique attribute array from the given pairs.
* If called multiple times, earlier values supersede later values
* if the keys clash.
* @param array $pairs Attribute tuples to compile
* @param array $defaults Attribute values to use if the $pairs tuple value is empty
* @return array
function com_connect_build_atts($pairs, $defaults = array())
$attr = array();
$booleans = array(
foreach ($pairs as $key => $value) {
if ($value !== '' && $value !== null) {
$attr[$key] = $key . (in_array($key, $booleans) ? '' : '="' . txpspecialchars($value) . '"');
} else {
if (isset($defaults[$key])) {
$attr[$key] = $key . (in_array($key, $booleans) ? '' : '="' . txpspecialchars($defaults[$key]) . '"');
return $attr;
* Replace nulls and newlines in content with spaces.
* @param string $str String to sanitize
* @param bool $header Whether the string is a header or not
function com_connect_strip($str, $header = true)
if ($header) {
$str = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Mail\Encode')->escapeHeader($str);
return preg_replace('/[\x00]/', ' ', $str);
* Handle content delivery of payload.
* Triggers a 'comconnect.deliver' callback event to override or augment the
* delivery mechanism. Third party plugins can make alterations to the $payload,
* then return one of the strings:
* -> "comconnect.send" (or no return value) to allow the plugin to continue mailing after the 3rd party plugin completes
* -> "comconnect.skip" to skip com_connect's mailing (i.e. the 3rd party handles mailing) and return 'success'
* -> "comconnect.fail" to skip com_connect's mailing and return 'fail'
* By hooking into the callback's step you can target either the main 'send'
* process or the 'copysender' process. Examples of things you could do:
* -> Add Multi-part MIME headers for HTML emails.
* -> Add CC: or BCC: fields.
* -> Subscribe people to mailing lists.
* -> Handle the mailing process independently of Textpattern.
* @param string $to Delivery address
* @param string $subject Subject of message
* @param string $body Message content
* @param array $headers Message headers as tuples
* @param array $fields Message field names and content as tuples
* @param array $flags Signals to govern delivery / callback behaviour
function com_connect_deliver($to, $subject, $body, $headers, $fields, $flags)
$payload = array(
'to' => $to,
'subject' => $subject,
'headers' => $headers,
'body' => $body,
'fields' => $fields,
'flags' => $flags,
$flavour = ($flags['isCopy'] === true) ? 'copysender' : 'send';
// Allow plugins to override or alter default action (mail) if required.
$ret = callback_event_ref('comconnect.deliver', $flavour, 0, $payload);
if (in_array('comconnect.fail', $ret)) {
return false;
} elseif (in_array('comconnect.skip', $ret)) {
return true;
$smtp_from = get_pref('smtp_from');
if (!is_callable('mail')) {
return (get_pref('production_status') === 'live')
? gTxt('com_connect_mail_sorry')
: gTxt('warn_mail_unavailable');
$sep = (!empty($headers['separator'])) ? $headers['separator'] : (IS_WIN ? "\r\n" : "\n");
$xfer_encoding = (!empty($headers['xfer_encoding'])) ? $headers['xfer_encoding'] : '8bit';
$content_type = (!empty($headers['content_type'])) ? $headers['content_type'] : 'text/plain';
$reply = (!empty($headers['reply'])) ? $headers['reply'] : '';
$charset = (!empty($headers['charset'])) ? $headers['charset'] : 'UTF-8';
$x_mailer = (!empty($headers['x_mailer'])) ? $headers['x_mailer'] : 'Textpattern (com_connect)';
// @todo remove enforced charset in content-type declaration if it's multipart.
$header_string = 'From: ' . $headers['from'] .
($reply ? ($sep . 'Reply-To: ' . $reply) : '') .
$sep . 'X-Mailer: ' . $x_mailer .
$sep . 'X-Originating-IP: ' . com_connect_strip((!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] . ' via ' : '') . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) .
$sep . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $xfer_encoding .
$sep . 'Content-Type: ' . $content_type . (strpos($content_type, 'boundary=') !== false ? '' : '; charset="' . $charset . '"');
// Remove all the header entries that have already been handled.
// Any remaining headers set by plugins are appended as-is.
foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
$header_string .= $sep . $name . ': ' . $value;
if (is_valid_email($smtp_from)) {
if (IS_WIN) {
ini_set('sendmail_from', $smtp_from);
} elseif (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
return mail($to, $subject, $body, $header_string, '-f'.$smtp_from);
return mail($to, $subject, $body, $header_string);
* Checks if a value or values are in the haystack.
* @param string|array $needles Scalar or array of values to check
* @param array $haystack Set of things to compare them against
* @return bool
function com_connect_in_array($needles, $haystack)
if (is_array($needles)) {
return (count(array_intersect($needles, $haystack)) === count($needles));
} else {
return in_array($needles, $haystack);
* Evaluate return values from plugins.
class comconnect_evaluation
private $status;
private $reason = array();
* Constructor.
function __construct()
$this->status = 0;
* Append the given status to the counter.
function add_comconnect_status($check)
$this->status += $check;
* Append the given reason to the array.
function add_comconnect_reason($reason)
$this->reason[] = $reason;
* Fetch the current evaluator status.
function get_comconnect_status()
return $this->status;
* Fetch the current evaluator reason.
function get_comconnect_reason()
if (empty($this->reason)) {
$this->reason[] = gTxt('com_connect_spam');
return join(br, $this->reason);
* Evaluator singleton for checking return values from plugins.
function &get_comconnect_evaluator()
static $instance;
if (!isset($instance)) {
$instance = new comconnect_evaluation();
return $instance;
* Convert the given label to a suitably unique name.
* @param string $label Label to convert to name.
function com_connect_label2name($label)
$label = trim($label);
if (strlen($label) == 0) {
return 'invalid';
if (strlen($label) <= 32 && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z][A-Za-z0-9:_-]*$/', $label)) {
return $label;
} else {
return 'q' . md5($label);
* Store the given names/values in the global arrays.
* @param string $name Parameter name
* @param string $label Parameter label
* @param string $value Parameter value
function com_connect_store($name, $label, $value)
global $com_connect_form, $com_connect_labels, $com_connect_values;
$label = (empty($label)) ? $name : $label;
$com_connect_form[$label] = $value;
$com_connect_labels[$name] = $label;
$com_connect_values[$name] = $value;
* Override the language strings if necessary.
* @param string $lang Language designator (e.g. fr-fr)
* @return array Partial language array to merge with current loaded strings
function com_connect_load_lang($lang = LANG)
$out = array();
if ($lang != LANG) {
$rs = safe_rows("name, data", 'txp_lang', "lang = '" . doSlash($lang) . "' AND name like 'com\_connect\_%'");
if (!empty($rs)) {
foreach ($rs as $a) {
$out[$a['name']] = $a['data'];
return $out;
* Return the value of the given attribute, by name or its label.
* @param array $atts Attribute to return
* @return string
function com_connect_value($atts)
global $com_connect_values, $com_connect_form, $com_connect_item;
'break' => ', ',
'class' => '',
'label' => '',
'name' => '',
'wraptag' => '',
), $atts));
$str = '';
if (empty($name) && !empty($com_connect_item)) {
$name = $com_connect_item;
if ($name) {
$str = isset($com_connect_values[$name]) ? $com_connect_values[$name] : '';
} elseif ($label) {
$str = isset($com_connect_form[$label]) ? $com_connect_form[$label] : '';
$str = doArray($str, 'trim');
return doWrap($str, $wraptag, $break, $class);
* Return the label for the given attribute.
* @param array $atts Attribute name to return
* @return string
function com_connect_label($atts)
global $com_connect_labels, $com_connect_item;
'name' => '',
), $atts));
if (empty($name) && !empty($com_connect_item)) {
$name = $com_connect_item;
if ($name) {
return isset($com_connect_labels[$name]) ? $com_connect_labels[$name] : '';
return '';
* Conditional tag for checking variable conditions.
* @param array $atts Attributes to check
* @param string $thing Tag's container content
* @return string
function com_connect_if($atts, $thing = '')
global $com_connect_item;
'label' => '',
'name' => '',
'value' => null,
), $atts));
if (empty($label) && empty($name) && !empty($com_connect_item)) {
$name = $com_connect_item;
$val = com_connect_value(array(
'label' => $label,
'name' => $name,
if ($val) {
$cond = ($value === null || $val == $value);
} else {
$cond = false;
return parse($thing, $cond);
* Iterate over the submitted fields
* @param array $atts Tag attributes
* @param string $thing Container content
* @return HTML
function com_connect_fields($atts, $thing = '')
global $com_connect_labels, $com_connect_item;
'break' => ', ',
'class' => '',
'label' => '',
'name' => '',
'wraptag' => '',
), $atts));
$out = array();
$labels = do_list($label);
$names = do_list($name);
foreach ($com_connect_labels as $nm => $lbl) {
if ((empty($label) && empty($name)) || ($label && in_array($lbl, $labels)) || ($name && in_array($nm, $names))) {
$com_connect_item = $nm;
$out[] = parse($thing);
$com_connect_item = null;
return doWrap($out, $wraptag, $break, $class);