** cbe_frontauth
** Client-side textpattern plugin
** Connect (and disconnect) from frontend to backend
** Establishes bidirectional links between article display and edition
** Claire Brione - http://www.clairebrione.com/
** 0.1-dev - 22 Jul 2011 - Restricted development release
** 0.2-dev - 23 Jul 2011 - Restricted development release
** 0.3-dev - 24 Jul 2011 - Restricted development release
** 0.4-beta- 26 Jul 2011 - Restricted beta release
** 0.5-beta- 27 Jul 2011 - First public beta release
** 0.6-beta- 29 Jul 2011 - Optimizations to avoid multiple calls to database
** when retrieving user's informations
** Added name and privilege controls
** à la <txp:rvm_if_privileged /> (http://vanmelick.com/txp/)
** Minor changes to documentation
** 0.7-beta- 06 Aug 2011 - Introduces <txp:cbe_frontauth_edit_article />
** CSRF protection ready
** Documentation improvements
** 0.7.1 - 05 Jan 2012 - Documentation addenda
** 0.8 - 10 Jan 2012 - Introduces <txp:cbe_frontauth_loginwith />
** http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?pid=256632#p256632
** txp:cbe_frontauth_loginwith (*auto*|username|email)
** 0.9 - 21 Mar 2012 - Added callback hooks (reset and change password)
** 0.9.1 - 22 Mar 2012 - Fixed missing attributes (show_login and show_change) for cbe_frontauth_box
** 0.9.2 - ?? ??? 2012 - ??
** 0.9.3 - 22 Aug 2012 - Doc typo for cbe_frontauth_invite
** 0.9.4 - 27 Mar 2013 - Missing initialization for cbe_frontauth_whois
** Error message when login fails
** Local language strings
** 0.9.5 - 04 Apr 2014 - Missing last access storage
** 0.9.6 - 07 Apr 2014 - Error when passing presentational attributes from cbe_frontauth_edit_article to cbe_frontauth_link
** 0.9.7 - 20 Nov 2015 - fix: http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?pid=296720#p296720
** - break, breakclass -> in progress, full tests needed
** - enhence error messages ?
** Local language strings, possible customisation here
function _cbe_fa_lang()
return( array( 'login_failed' => "Login failed"
, 'login_to_textpattern' => gTxt( 'login_to_textpattern' )
, 'name' => gTxt( 'name' )
, 'password' => gTxt( 'password' )
, 'log_in_button' => gTxt( 'log_in_button' )
, 'stay_logged_in' => gTxt( 'stay_logged_in' )
, 'logout' => gTxt( 'logout' )
, 'edit' => gTxt( 'edit' )
, 'change_password' => gTxt( 'change_password' )
, 'password_reset' => gTxt( 'password_reset' )
) ;
** Don't edit further
** Available tags
/* == Shortcuts for cbe_frontauth() == */
// -- Global init for redirection after login and/or logout
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_redirect( $atts )
return( _cbe_fa_init( $atts, 'redir' ) ) ;
// -- Global init for login/logout invites
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_invite( $atts )
return( _cbe_fa_init( $atts, 'invite' ) ) ;
// -- Global init for login/logout buttons/link labels
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_label( $atts )
return( _cbe_fa_init( $atts, 'label' ) ) ;
// -- Global init for login with user name, email, or automatic detection
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_loginwith( $atts )
return( _cbe_fa_init( $atts, 'with' ) ) ;
// -- Login / Logout box
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_box( $atts, $thing = '' )
$public_atts = lAtts( array( 'login_invite' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'login_to_textpattern' )
, 'logout_invite' => ''
, 'show_change' => '1'
, 'show_reset' => '1'
, 'tag_invite' => ''
, 'login_label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'log_in_button' )
, 'logout_label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'logout' )
, 'logout_type' => 'button'
, 'tag_error' => 'span'
, 'class_error' => 'cbe_fa_error'
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts ) ;
return( cbe_frontauth( $public_atts
, $thing ? $thing : '<p><txp:text item="logged_in_as" /> <txp:cbe_frontauth_whois wraptag="span" class="user"/></p>'
) ) ;
// -- Standalone login form
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_login( $atts, $thing = '' )
return( _cbe_fa_inout_process( 'login', $atts, $thing ) ) ;
// -- Standalone logout form / link
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_logout( $atts, $thing = '' )
return( _cbe_fa_inout_process( 'logout', $atts, $thing ) ) ;
// -- Protect parts from non-connected viewers
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_protect( $atts, $thing )
$public_atts = lAtts( array( 'link' => ''
, 'linklabel' => ''
, 'target' => '_self'
, 'name' => ''
, 'level' => ''
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts ) ;
if( $public_atts['target'] == '_get' )
$public_atts['target'] = '_self' ;
return( cbe_frontauth( array( 'login_invite' => '' , 'logout_invite' => ''
, 'show_login' => '0', 'show_logout' => '0'
, 'show_reset' => '0', 'show_change' => '0' ) + $public_atts
, $thing
) ) ;
function cbe_frontauth_if_logged( $atts, $thing )
return( cbe_frontauth_protect( $atts, $thing ) ) ;
function cbe_frontauth_if_connected( $atts, $thing )
return( cbe_frontauth_protect( $atts, $thing ) ) ;
/* == Elements == */
// -- Generates input field for name
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_logname( $atts, $defvalue=null )
return( _cbe_fa_identity( 'name', $atts, $defvalue ) ) ;
// -- Generates input field for password
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_password( $atts, $defvalue=null )
return( _cbe_fa_identity( 'password', $atts, $defvalue ) ) ;
// -- Generates checkbox for stay (connected on this browser)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_stay( $atts )
extract( lAtts( array ( 'label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'stay_logged_in' )
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts
) ;
$out = checkbox('p_stay', 1, cs('txp_login'), '', 'stay') ;
$out .= '<label for="stay">'.$label.'</label>' ;
return( doTag( $out, $wraptag, $class ) ) ;
// -- Generates submit button
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_submit( $atts )
$public_atts = lAtts( array ( 'label' => ''
, 'type' => 'login'
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts
) ;
return( _cbe_fa_button( $public_atts ) ) ;
// -- Displays connected user's informations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_whois( $atts )
extract( lAtts( array ( 'type' => 'name'
, 'format' => ''
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts
) ;
$types = do_list( $type ) ;
$whois = cbe_frontauth( array( 'init' => '0', 'value' => $types ) ) ;
if( isset( $whois['last_access'] ) )
global $dateformat ;
$whois['last_access'] = safe_strftime( $format ? $format : $dateformat, strtotime( $whois['last_access'] ) ) ;
return( doWrap( $whois, $wraptag, $break, $class, $breakclass ) ) ;
/* == Off-topic, but useful == */
// -- Generates a link, normal or with a GET parameter
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_link( $atts )
{ // $class applies to anchor if no $wraptag supplied
extract( lAtts( array ( 'label' => ''
, 'link' => ''
, 'target' => '_self'
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts
) ;
$link = doStripTags( $link ) ;
$out = _cbe_fa_link( compact( 'link', 'target' ) ) ;
$out = href( $label, $out
, (($target !== '_get') ? ' target="'.$target.'"' : '')
. ((!$wraptag && $class) ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '') ) ;
return( doTag( $out, $wraptag, $class ) ) ;
// -- Returns path to textpattern backend
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_backend()
// . substr(strrchr(txpath, "/"), 1)
return( preg_replace('|//$|','/', rhu.'/')
. substr(strrchr(txpath, DS), 1)
. '/index.php'
) ;
// -- Returns button (standalone) or link to edit current article
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth_edit_article( $atts )
global $thisarticle ;
assert_article() ;
extract( lAtts( array ( 'label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'edit' )
, 'type' => 'button'
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts
) ;
$path_parts = array( 'event' => 'article'
, 'step' => 'edit'
, 'ID' => $thisarticle['thisid']
) ;
if( $type == 'button' )
$out = array() ;
foreach( $path_parts as $part => $value )
$out[] = hInput( $part, $value ) ;
$out[] = cbe_frontauth_submit( array( 'label' => $label, 'type' => '', 'class' =>'publish' ) ) ;
return( _cbe_fa_form( array( 'statements' => join( n, $out ) ) ) ) ;
elseif( $type == 'link' )
$path_parts[ '_txp_token' ] = form_token() ;
array_walk( $path_parts, create_function( '&$v, $k', '$v = $k."=".$v ;' ) ) ;
$link = cbe_frontauth_backend() . '?' . join( '&', $path_parts ) ;
return( cbe_frontauth_link( compact( 'link', 'label'
, array_keys( _cbe_fa_format() )
) ;
return ;
** Utilities (kinda private functions)
// -- Gets and returns local lang strings (txp admin + plugin specifics)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_gTxt( $text, $atts = array() )
static $aTexts = array() ;
if( ! $aTexts )
$aTexts = _cbe_fa_lang() ;
return( isset( $aTexts[ $text ] ) ? strtr( $aTexts[ $text ], $atts ) : gTxt( $text ) ) ;
// -- Common presentational attributes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_format()
return( array( 'wraptag' => ''
, 'class' => ''
, 'break' => ''
, 'breakclass' => ''
) ;
// -- Global initialisations (redirect, invite, label, loginwith)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_init( $atts, $type )
extract( lAtts( array ( 'for' => '', 'value' => '' ), $atts ) ) ;
if( $for === '' )
$for = 'login' ;
$init_for = do_list( $for ) ;
if( ($index=array_search( 'logged', $init_for )) !== false )
$init_for[ $index ] = 'logout' ;
array_walk( $init_for, create_function( '&$v, $k, $p', '$v = $v."_".$p ;'), $type ) ;
if( ($init_list = @array_combine( $init_for, do_list( $value ) )) === false )
return ;
cbe_frontauth( array( 'init' => '1' ) + $init_list ) ;
return ;
// -- Retrieve user's info, if connected
// -- textpattern/lib/txp_misc.php - is_logged_in() as a starting point
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_logged_in( &$user, $txp_user = null )
if( $txp_user !== null )
$name = $txp_user ;
elseif( !($name = substr(cs('txp_login_public'), 10)) )
$user[ 'name' ] = false ;
return( false ) ;
$rs = safe_row('nonce, name, RealName, email, privs, last_access', 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($name)."'");
if( $rs && ($txp_user !== null || substr(md5($rs['nonce']), -10) === substr(cs('txp_login_public'), 0, 10) ) )
unset( $rs[ 'nonce' ] ) ;
$user = $rs ;
return( true ) ;
$user[ 'name' ] = false ;
return( false ) ;
// -- Checks current user against required privileges
// -- Thanks to Ruud Van Melick's rvm_privileged (http://vanmelick.com/txp/)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_privileged( $r_name, $r_level, $u_name, $u_level )
$chk_name = !$r_name || in_array( $u_name , do_list( $r_name ) ) ;
$chk_level = !$r_level || in_array( $u_level, do_list( $r_level ) ) ;
return( $chk_name || $chk_level ) ;
// -- Generates input field for name or password
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_identity( $field, $atts, $value=null )
extract( lAtts( array ( 'label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( $field )
, 'label_sfx' => ''
+ _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts
) ;
$$field = '' ;
if( $field == 'name' && cs('cbe_frontauth_login') != '' )
list($name) = explode( ',', cs('cbe_frontauth_login') ) ;
$out = array() ;
$out[] = '<label for="'.$field.$label_sfx.'">'.$label.'</label>' ;
$out[] = fInput( ($field == 'name') ? 'text' : 'password'
,(($field == 'name') ? 'p_userid' : 'p_password') . $label_sfx
, ($field == 'name') ? $name : ($value !== null ? $value : '')
, (!$wraptag && $class) ? $class : ''
, '', '', '', '', $field.$label_sfx ) ;
return( doWrap( $out, $wraptag, $break, $class, $breakclass ) ) ;
// -- Prepare call to cbe_frontauth() for login/logout form/link
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_inout_process( $inout, $atts, $thing = '' )
$plus_atts = ($inout == 'logout' )
? array( 'type' => 'button'
, 'show_change' => '1' )
: array( 'show_stay' => '0'
, 'show_reset' => '1' ) ;
$public_atts = lAtts( array ( 'invite' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( ($inout == 'login') ? 'login_to_textpattern'
: '' )
, 'tag_invite' => ''
, 'label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( ($inout == 'login') ? 'log_in_button'
: 'logout' )
, 'form' => ''
, 'tag_error' => 'span', 'class_error' => 'cbe_fa_error'
+ $plus_atts + _cbe_fa_format()
, $atts ) ;
if( isset( $public_atts['invite'] ) )
$public_atts[$inout.'_invite'] = $public_atts['invite'] ;
unset( $public_atts['invite'] ) ;
if( isset( $public_atts['label'] ) )
$public_atts[$inout.'_label'] = $public_atts['label'] ;
unset( $public_atts['label'] ) ;
if( isset( $public_atts['form'] ) )
$public_atts[$inout.'_form'] = $public_atts['form'] ;
unset( $public_atts['form'] ) ;
if( isset( $public_atts['type'] ) )
$public_atts[$inout.'_type'] = $public_atts['type'] ;
unset( $public_atts['type'] ) ;
if( $thing )
$public_atts[$inout.'_form'] = $thing ;
$show = ($inout == 'login') ? 'logout' : 'login' ;
return( cbe_frontauth( array( 'show_'.$show => '0' ) + $public_atts ) ) ;
// -- Encloses statements in a submit form
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_form( $atts )
extract( lAtts( array( 'statements' => ''
, 'action' => cbe_frontauth_backend()
, 'method' => 'post'
, $atts
) ;
if( ! $statements )
return ;
return( '<form action="'.$action.'" method="'.$method.'">'
.n. $statements
.n. '</form>' ) ;
// -- Generates a button (primary purpose : login/logout button)
// -- Extended to 'edit' (just in case) - 0.7
// -- Note: providing a label and setting type to blank works too
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_button( $atts )
extract( $atts ) ; // 'label', 'type', 'wraptag', class'
if( ! $label and ! ($label = cbe_frontauth( array( 'init' => '0', 'value' => $type.'_label' ) )) )
$label = _cbe_fa_gTxt( ($type == 'logout' || $type == 'edit' ) ? $type : 'log_in_button' ) ;
$out = fInput( 'submit', '', $label, (!$wraptag && $class) ? $class : '' ) ;
if( $type == 'logout' )
$out .= hInput( 'p_logout', '1' ) ;
elseif( $type == 'edit' )
$out .= tInput() ;
return( doTag( $out, $wraptag, $class ) ) ;
// -- Generates a link (primary purpose : logout link)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_link( $atts )
extract( $atts ) ; // 'link', 'target'
if( $target == '_get' )
$uri = serverSet( 'REQUEST_URI' ) ;
$qus = serverSet( 'QUERY_STRING' ) ;
$len_uri = strlen( $uri ) ;
$len_qus = strlen( $qus ) ;
$uri = ($len_qus > 0) ? substr( $uri, 0, $len_uri-$len_qus-1 ) : $uri ;
$qus = $qus . ($len_qus > 0 ? '&' : '') . $link ;
$out = (substr( $uri, -1 ) !== '?' ) ? ($uri.'?'.$qus) : ($uri.$qus) ;
$out = $link ;
return( $out ) ;
// -- Generates login/logout form or logout link
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_inout( $atts )
extract( $atts ) ;
$out = array() ;
if( $form )
$out[] = ($f=@fetch_form( $form )) ? parse( $f ) : parse( $form ) ; // label takes precedence here
if( isset( $show_stay ) )
{ // login
$out[] = cbe_frontauth_logname( array( 'class' => 'edit')
+ compact( 'break', 'breakclass' ) ) ;
$out[] = cbe_frontauth_password( array( 'class' => 'edit')
+ compact( 'break', 'breakclass' ) ) ;
if( $show_stay )
$out[] = cbe_frontauth_stay( array() ) ;
$out[] = cbe_frontauth_submit( array( 'label' => $label, 'class' => 'publish' ) ) ;
{ // logout
$out[] = ($type == 'button')
? cbe_frontauth_submit( array( 'label' => $label, 'type' => 'logout'
, 'class' => $class ? $class : 'publish' ) )
: cbe_frontauth_link( array( 'label' => $label, 'link' => 'logout=1', 'target' => '_get'
, 'class' => $class ? $class : 'publish' ) ) ;
// $out = join( n, $out ) ;
$out = doWrap( $out, $wraptag, $break, '', $breakclass ) ;
return( (isset( $type ) && $type=='link')
? $out
: _cbe_fa_form( array( 'statements' => $out, 'action' => page_url( array() ) ) ) ) ;
/* == Backbone == */
// -- Cookie mechanism - from textpattern/include/txp_auth.php - doTxpValidate()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function _cbe_fa_auth( $redir, $p_logout, $p_userid='', $p_password='', $p_stay='' )
defined('LOGIN_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY') || define('LOGIN_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY', true);
$hash = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE));
$nonce = md5($p_userid.pack('H*',$hash));
$pub_path = preg_replace('|//$|','/', rhu.'/') ;
$adm_path = $pub_path . substr(strrchr(txpath, DS), 1) . '/' ;
if( $p_logout )
$log_name = false ;
safe_update( 'txp_users'
, "nonce = '".doSlash($hash)."'"
, "name = '".doSlash($p_userid)."'"
) ;
setcookie( 'txp_login'
, ''
, time()-3600
, $adm_path
) ;
setcookie( 'txp_login_public'
, ''
, time()-3600
, $pub_path
) ;
setcookie( 'cbe_frontauth_login'
, ''
, time()-3600
, $pub_path
) ;
// elseif( ($log_name = txp_validate( $p_userid, $p_password, false )) !== false )
elseif( ($log_name = txp_validate( $p_userid, $p_password )) !== false )
safe_update( 'txp_users'
, "nonce = '".doSlash($nonce)."'"
, "name = '".doSlash($p_userid)."'"
) ;
setcookie( 'txp_login'
, $p_userid.','.$hash
, ($p_stay ? time()+3600*24*365 : 0)
, $adm_path
, null
, null
) ;
setcookie( 'txp_login_public'
, substr(md5($nonce), -10).$p_userid
, ($p_stay ? time()+3600*24*30 : 0)
, $pub_path
) ;
if( $p_stay )
setcookie( 'cbe_frontauth_login'
, $p_userid.','.$hash
, time()+3600*24*365
, $pub_path
) ;
if( $redir && ( $p_logout || $log_name !== false ) )
header( "Location:$redir" ) ;
exit ;
return( $log_name ) ;
// -- Get the job done
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function cbe_frontauth( $atts, $thing = null )
include_once( txpath.'/include/txp_auth.php' ) ;
global $txp_user ;
static $inits = array( 'login_invite' => '' , 'logout_invite' => '' , 'tag_invite' => ''
, 'login_label' => '' , 'logout_label' => ''
, 'login_redir' => '' , 'logout_redir' => ''
, 'login_with' => ''
) ;
static $cbe_fa_user = array( 'name' => false , 'RealName' => '' , 'email' => ''
, 'privs' => '' , 'last_access' => ''
) ;
if( isset( $atts['init'] ) )
if( $atts['init'] )
unset( $atts['init'] ) ;
foreach( $atts as $param => $value )
$inits[$param] = $value ;
return ;
if( is_array( $atts[ 'value' ] ) )
$whois = array() ;
if( ! $cbe_fa_user[ 'name' ] ) _cbe_fa_logged_in( $cbe_fa_user ) ;
foreach( $atts[ 'value' ] as $type )
$whois[ $type ] = $cbe_fa_user[ $type ] ;
return( $whois ) ;
return( isset( $inits[ $atts[ 'value' ] ] ) ? $inits[ $atts[ 'value' ] ] : '' ) ;
$def_atts = array( 'form' => ''
, 'tag_invite' => ''
, 'show_login' => '1'
, 'login_invite' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'login_to_textpattern' )
, 'login_form' => ''
, 'login_label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'log_in_button' )
, 'login_with' => 'auto'
, 'login_redir' => ''
, 'show_logout' => '1'
, 'logout_invite' => ''
, 'logout_form' => ''
, 'logout_label' => _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'logout' )
, 'logout_type' => 'button'
, 'logout_redir' => ''
, 'show_stay' => '0'
, 'show_reset' => '1'
, 'show_change' => '1'
, 'link' => ''
, 'linklabel' => ''
, 'target' => '_self'
, 'name' => ''
, 'level' => ''
, 'tag_error' => ''
, 'class_error' => ''
) ;
$ini_atts = array() ;
foreach( $inits as $param => $value )
{ /* Inits take precedence on default values */
if( !isset( $atts[$param] ) || $atts[$param] === $def_atts[$param] )
$ini_atts[$param] = $value ;
extract( lAtts( $def_atts + _cbe_fa_format(), array_merge( $atts, array_filter( $ini_atts ) ) ) ) ;
extract( psa( array( 'p_userid', 'p_password', 'p_stay', 'p_reset', 'p_logout', 'p_change' ) ) ) ;
$logout = gps( 'logout' ) ;
$p_logout = $p_logout || $logout ;
$reset = gps( 'reset' ) ;
$p_reset = $p_reset || $reset ;
$change = gps( 'change' ) ;
$p_change = $p_change || $change ;
if( $p_userid && $p_password )
$username = ($login_with == 'auto') ? safe_count( 'txp_users', "name='$p_userid'" ) : 0 ;
if( $username == 0 && $login_with != 'username' )
{ // Email probably given, retrieve user name if possible
$p_userid = safe_rows( 'name', 'txp_users', "email='$p_userid'" ) ;
$p_userid = (count( $p_userid ) == 1) ? $p_userid[ 0 ][ 'name' ] : '' ;
$login_redir = ($login_redir==='link') ? $link : $login_redir ;
$login_failed = ($txp_user = _cbe_fa_auth( $login_redir, 0, $p_userid, $p_password, $p_stay )) === false ;
_cbe_fa_logged_in( $cbe_fa_user, $txp_user ) ;
elseif( $p_logout )
if( $logout && !$logout_redir )
$logout_redir = preg_replace( "/[?&]logout=1/", "", serverSet('REQUEST_URI') ) ;
$txp_user = _cbe_fa_auth( $logout_redir, 1 ) ;
_cbe_fa_logged_in( $cbe_fa_user, false ) ;
$txp_user = _cbe_fa_logged_in( $cbe_fa_user ) ? $cbe_fa_user[ 'name' ] : false ;
$out = array() ;
$invite = '' ;
$part_0 = EvalElse( $thing, 0 ) ;
$part_1 = EvalElse( $thing, 1 ) ;
if( $txp_user === false )
$out[] = parse( $part_0 ) ;
if( $show_login )
if( $p_reset )
{ // Resetting password in progress
$invite = _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'password_reset' ) ;
$out[] = callback_event( 'cbefrontauth.reset_password', 'cbe_fa_before_login', 0
, ps('step') ? array( 'p_userid' => $p_userid
, 'login_with' => $login_with
, 'tag_error' => $tag_error
, 'class_error' => $class_error )
: null ) ;
{ // We are not resetting the password at the moment, display login form
if( isset( $login_failed ) && $login_failed )
$out[] = doTag( _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'login_failed' ), $tag_error, $class_error ) ;
$invite = $login_invite ;
$out[] = _cbe_fa_inout( array( 'label' => $login_label
, 'form' => $login_form
, 'show_stay' => $show_stay
, 'show_reset' => $show_reset
) + compact( 'wraptag', 'class', 'break', 'breakclass' ) ) ;
if( $show_reset )
$out[] = callback_event( 'cbefrontauth.reset_password', 'cbe_fa_after_login' ) ;
if( (!$name && !$level)
_cbe_fa_privileged( $name, $level, $cbe_fa_user[ 'name' ], $cbe_fa_user[ 'privs' ] )
if( $link )
$out[] = cbe_frontauth_link( array( 'label' => $linklabel ) + compact( 'link', 'target' ) ) ;
if( $thing )
$out[] = parse( $part_1 ) ;
elseif( $form )
$out[] = parse_form( $form ) ;
$out[] = parse( $part_0 ) ;
if( $show_logout )
if( $p_change )
{ // Changing password in progress
$invite = _cbe_fa_gTxt( 'change_password' ) ;
$out[] = callback_event( 'cbefrontauth.change_password', 'cbe_fa_before_logout', 0
, ps('step') ? array( 'p_userid' => $txp_user
, 'p_password' => $p_password
, 'p_password_1'
=> strip_tags( ps( 'p_password_1' ) )
, 'p_password_2'
=> strip_tags( ps( 'p_password_2' ) )
, 'tag_error' => $tag_error
, 'class_error' => $class_error )
: null ) ;
{ // We are not changing the password at the moment, display logout form
$invite = $logout_invite ;
$out[] = _cbe_fa_inout( array( 'label' => $logout_label
, 'form' => $logout_form
, 'type' => $logout_type
, 'show_change' => $show_change
, 'p_change' => $p_change
, 'tag_error' => $tag_error
, 'class_error' => $class_error
) + compact( 'wraptag', 'class', 'break', 'breakclass' ) ) ;
if( $show_change )
$out[] = callback_event( 'cbefrontauth.change_password', 'cbe_fa_after_logout' ) ;
// return( doLabel( $invite, $tag_invite ) . doWrap( $out, $wraptag, $break, $class, $breakclass ) ) ;
return( doLabel( $invite, $tag_invite ) . doWrap( $out, $wraptag, '', $class ) ) ;