if(@txpinterface == 'admin') {
add_privs('bot_wtc_tab', '1,2');
register_tab('extensions', 'bot_wtc_tab', 'Write tab customize');
register_callback('bot_wtc_tab', 'bot_wtc_tab');
global $event;
if($event == 'article') {
register_callback('bot_wtc', 'admin_side', 'head_end');
register_callback('bot_hide_per_section', 'admin_side', 'head_end');
register_callback('bot_hidden_sections', 'admin_side', 'head_end');
if($event == 'bot_wtc_tab') {
// ===========================================
$bot_arr_selectors = array(
'writetab_main_content' => '$("#main_content")',
'writetab_view_modes' => '$("#view_modes")',
'title' => '$(".title")',
'body' => '$(".body")',
'excerpt' => '$(".excerpt")',
'writetab_sidebar' => '$("#supporting_content")',
'save' => '$(".txp-save")',
'actions' => '$(".txp-actions")',
'create_new' => '$(".txp-new")',
'duplicate' => '$(".txp-clone")',
'view' => '$(".txp-article-view")',
'page_article_nav_hed' => '$(".nav-tertiary")',
'sort_display' => '$("#txp-write-sort-group")',
'status' => '$(".status")',
'section' => '$(".section")',
'category1' => '$(".category-1")',
'category2' => '$(".category-2")',
'date_settings' => '$("#txp-dates-group")',
'publish' => '$(".posted")',
'publish_time' => '$(".posted.time")',
'reset_time' => '$(".posted-now")',
'expired' => '$(".expires")',
'expire_time' => '$(".expires.time")',
'meta' => '$("#txp-meta-group")',
'url_title' => '$(".url-title")',
'description' => '$(".description")',
'keywords' => '$(".keywords")',
'comment_settings' => '$("#txp-comments-group")',
'use_comments' => '$(".comments-annotate")',
'comment_invitation' => '$(".comment-invite")',
'article_image_group' => '$("#txp-image-group")',
'article_image' => '$(".article-image")',
'custom' => '$("#txp-custom-field-group")',
'advanced_options' => '$("#txp-advanced-group")',
'article_markup' => '$(".markup-body")',
'excerpt_markup' => '$(".markup-excerpt")',
'override_default_form' => '$(".override-form")',
'textile_help' => '$("#txp-textfilter-group")',
'recent_articles' => '$("#txp-recent-group")'
// creates the translated main plugins array ($bot_items)
global $bot_items;
foreach ( $bot_arr_selectors as $title => $selector ) {
bot_wtc_insert_in_main_array($title, $selector);
// ===========================================================
// Helper functions
// ===========================================================
// helps build the main array
function bot_wtc_insert_in_main_array ($title, $selector)
global $bot_items;
if (strpos($title, '!bot!'))
$split_titles = explode("!bot!", $title);
$title = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($split_titles); $i++)
$title .= gTxt($split_titles[$i]); // split and build translated title
$title = gTxt($title); // gets the title to allow translation
$bot_items [$selector] = gTxt($title);
return $bot_items;
// ===========================================
// creates an array of values extracted from the database
function bot_wtc_fetch_db()
$out = safe_rows('id, item, position, destination, sections, class', 'bot_wtc ','1=1');
return $out;
// ===========================================================
// creates an array of all cfs for selectInput
function bot_get_cfs()
$r = safe_rows_start('name, val, html', 'txp_prefs','event = "custom" AND val != ""');
if ($r) {
global $arr_custom_fields;
while ($a = nextRow($r)) {
$name = str_replace('_set', '', $a['name']);
$html = $a['html'];
if ($html == 'checkbox' || $html == 'multi-select') {
$selector = '$("p:has(*[name=\''.$name.'[]\'])")';
$selector = '$("p:has(*[name=\''.$name.'\'])")';
$val = $a['val'];
$arr_custom_fields[$selector] = $val;
if ($arr_custom_fields) {
natcasesort($arr_custom_fields); // sort cfs - used instead of asort because is case-insensitive
return $arr_custom_fields;
// ===========================================================
// creates an array of all sections for selectInput
function bot_get_sections()
$r = safe_rows_start('name, title', 'txp_section','1=1');
if ($r) {
while ($a = nextRow($r)) {
$name = $a['name'];
$title = $a['title'];
$sections[$name] = $title;
return $sections;
// ===========================================================
// update button
function bot_update_button()
return n.'<div class="bot_update_button">'
.n.fInput('submit', 'update', 'Update', 'publish')
// ===========================================================
// checks if item is a layout region
function bot_wtc_is_region($item)
$item = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $item : doSlash($item) ;
if($item == '$(\"#main_content\")'
|| $item == '$(\"#supporting_content\")'
|| $item == '$(\"#view_modes\")'
return 1;
return 0;
// ===========================================================
// outputs html for warnings
function bot_warning($warning)
return graf(hed(gTxt($warning),'3', ' id="bot_warning"'));
// Kickstart the plugin after installation / activation / deletion
function bot_wtc_welcome($evt, $stp)
switch ($stp) {
case 'installed':
case 'enabled':
case 'deleted':
// set up bot_wtc tables
function bot_wtc_install()
// Create the bot_wtc table
position VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
destination VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
sections TEXT NOT NULL,
class VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
// set pref entries in txp_prefs table
set_pref ('bot_wtc_script','', 'bot_wtc_','2');
set_pref ('bot_wtc_static_sections','', 'bot_wtc_', '2');
// remove bot_wtc tables
function bot_wtc_deinstall()
// Drop the bot_wtc table
// Remove bot_wtc prefs
safe_delete('txp_prefs', 'event = "bot_wtc_"' );
// ===========================================================
// updates cfs selectors in db | introduced in bot_wtc 0.7.1
function bot_wtc_update()
// proceeds only if plugin is already installed
if (!bot_wtc_check_install()) {
safe_alter('bot_wtc', 'CHANGE sections sections TEXT',0);
$db_values = bot_wtc_fetch_db(); // array
for ($i =0; $i < count($db_values); $i++) {
$id = $db_values[$i]['id'];
$item = $db_values[$i]['item'];
$destination = $db_values[$i]['destination'];
// updates cfs
if (strpos($item,'custom')) { // if item contains the substring 'custom'
$cf_number = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $item); // ditch anything that is not a number
$type = safe_field('html', 'txp_prefs', 'name = "custom_'.$cf_number.'_set"'); // retrieve cfs type
if ($type == 'checkbox' || $type == 'multi-select') {
$selector = '$("p:has(*[name=\'custom_'.$cf_number.'[]\'])")'; // adds the '[]' part
$selector = '$("p:has(*[name=\'custom_'.$cf_number.'\'])")';
safe_update('bot_wtc', 'item = "'.doslash($selector).'"', 'id = "'.$id.'"');
if (strpos($destination,'custom')) { // if destination contains the substring 'custom'
$cf_number = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $destination); // ditch anything that is not a number
$type = safe_field('html', 'txp_prefs', 'name = "custom_'.$cf_number.'_set"'); // retrieve cfs type
if ($type == 'checkbox' || $type == 'multi-select') {
$selector = '$("p:has(*[name=\'custom_'.$cf_number.'[]\'])")'; // adds the '[]' part
$selector = '$("p:has(*[name=\'custom_'.$cf_number.'\'])")';
safe_update('bot_wtc', 'destination = "'.doslash($selector).'"', 'id = "'.$id.'"');
// ===========================================================
// Check if the bot_wtc table exists
function bot_wtc_check_install()
// if number of rows is false, table does not exist
if (safe_count("bot_wtc", "1 = 1") !== false) {
return true;
return false;
// outputs all items for selectInput() (used for destination dropdown)
function bot_all_items_selectinput()
global $bot_items;
$cfs = bot_get_cfs(); // get cfs array in the form: cf_selector => cf_name
// final values for the txp function selectInput (including cfs if any)
if (is_array($cfs)) { // if there is at least one custom field set adds cfs to $bot_items array
$all_items_select = array_merge($cfs, $bot_items);
else {
$all_items_select = $bot_items;
return $all_items_select;
// outputs only 'not-yet-used' items for selectInput() (used for items dropdown)
function bot_contextual_selectinput($current = "")
global $bot_items;
$db_values = bot_wtc_fetch_db(); // array of values from the db
$all_items = bot_all_items_selectinput();
if (bot_wtc_check_install()) {
$used_items = safe_column('item', 'bot_wtc', '1=1'); // numeric array of item values from the db
foreach ($all_items as $item => $title) {
if (!in_array($item, $used_items)) {
$items_selectInput[$item] = $title;
else {
$items_selectInput = $all_items;
if ($current) { // if the parameter is given adds current value to array
$items_selectInput[$current] = $all_items[$current];
return $items_selectInput;
// ===========================================================
// bot_wtc tab
// ===========================================================
// outputs the rows for the html table in the bot_wtc_tab
function bot_wtc_output_rows()
global $bot_items;
$selectInput_for_position = array('insertBefore'=>'before','insertAfter'=>'after'); // position values for the txp function selectInput
$db_values = bot_wtc_fetch_db(); // array of values from the db
$destination_selectInput = bot_all_items_selectinput();
$items_selectInput = bot_contextual_selectinput();
// builds rows for new item sections list
$sections= bot_get_sections(); // get sections array
$new_item_sections_rows = '';
foreach ($sections as $key => $value) {
$new_item_sections_row = '<label>'.checkbox('new_item_sections[]', $key, '0').$value.'</label><br />';
$new_item_sections_rows .= $new_item_sections_row;
$new_item_sections_rows .= '<p ><a href="#" class="bot_all">'.gTxt("all").'</a> | <a href="#" class="bot_none">'.gTxt("none").'</a></p>'; // hide all/none
// new item insertion
$rows = "";
$input_row = tr(
td(selectInput('new_item',bot_contextual_selectinput(), '', '1'), '', 'bot_hilight')
.td(selectInput('new_item_position', $selectInput_for_position, '', '1'))
.td(selectInput('new_item_destination',bot_all_items_selectinput(), '', '1'))
.td('<p><a href="#" class="bot_push">'.gTxt("tag_section_list").'</a></p><div class="bot_collapse">'.$new_item_sections_rows.'</div>')
.td(finput('text','new_item_class', ''))
$rows .= $input_row;
// other rows - output if at least one record was already set
if ($db_values){
for ($i = 0; $i < count( $db_values ); $i++){
// data for "sections to show" selectinput - decides wether a section is checked or not
$bot_hide_in_this_sections_array = explode('|', $db_values[$i]['sections']);
$item_sections_rows = '';
foreach ($sections as $key => $value) { // if section is in db mark as checked
$checked = in_array($key, $bot_hide_in_this_sections_array) ? '1': '0';
$item_sections_row = '<label>'.checkbox('bot_wtc_sections_for_id_'.$db_values[$i]['id'].'[]', $key, $checked).$value.'</label><br />';
$item_sections_rows .= $item_sections_row;
$item_sections_rows .= '<p><a href="#" class="bot_all">'.gTxt("all").'</a> | <a href="#" class="bot_none">'.gTxt("none").'</a></p>'; // hide all/none
$single_row = tr(
td(selectInput('item[]',bot_contextual_selectinput($db_values[$i]['item']), $db_values[$i]['item'],'0'), '', 'bot_hilight')
.td(selectInput('item_position[]', $selectInput_for_position, $db_values[$i]['position'], '1'))
.td(selectInput('item_destination[]',bot_all_items_selectinput(), $db_values[$i]['destination'],'1'))
.td('<p><a href="#" class="bot_push">'.gTxt("tag_section_list").'</a></p><div class="bot_collapse">'.$item_sections_rows.'</div>')
.td(finput('text', 'item_class[]', $db_values[$i]['class']))
.td(checkbox('bot_delete_id[]', $db_values[$i]['id'], '0').'<label for="bot_delete_id"> '.gTxt('delete').'</label>'))
.hInput('bot_wtc_id[]', $db_values[$i]['id']);
$rows .= $single_row;
return $rows;
// builds rows for sections list
function bot_wtc_static_sections_select()
// get sections array
$sections= bot_get_sections();
$static_sections = safe_field('val', 'txp_prefs', 'name = "bot_wtc_static_sections"'); // fetch prefs value for bot_wtc_static_sections
$static_sections = explode('|', $static_sections); // creates an array of statica sections from the string in txp_prefs
$static_sections_rows = '';
foreach ($sections as $key => $value) {
// if section is in db mark as checked
$checked = in_array($key, $static_sections) ? '1': '0';
$static_sections_row = '<label>'.checkbox('static_sections[]', $key, $checked).$value.'</label><br />';
$static_sections_rows .= $static_sections_row;
return $static_sections_rows;
// Advanced multiple selection on bot_wtc tab
function bot_advanced()
global $bot_items;
$items = bot_all_items_selectinput(); // get items array
$item_rows = '';
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
$item_row = '<label>'.checkbox('bot_adv_items[]', htmlspecialchars($key), '0').$value.'</label><br />';
$item_rows .= $item_row;
$sections= bot_get_sections(); // get sections array
$sections_rows = '';
foreach ($sections as $key => $value) {
$sections_row = '<label>'.checkbox('bot_adv_sections[]', $key, '0').$value.'</label><br />';
$sections_rows .= $sections_row;
return '<section role="region" class="txp-details" id="bot_advanced" aria-labelledby="bot_advanced-label">'
.n.'<h3 id="bot_advanced-label">Advanced/Multiple selection</h3>'
.n.'<div role="group">'
.n.'<div id="bot_adv_items"><h4>Items</h4>'.$item_rows.'</div>' // items list
.n.'<div id="bot_adv_hide"><h4>Hide in sections</h4>'.$sections_rows.'<p><a href="#" class="bot_all">'.gTxt("all").'</a> | <a href="#" class="bot_none">'.gTxt("none").'</a></p></div>' // sections list
.n.'<div id="bot_adv_class"><h4>Set css class</h4>'.finput('text','bot_adv_class', '').'</div>' // class
function bot_wtc_tab($event, $step)
global $bot_items;
$cfs = bot_get_cfs();
pagetop('Write tab customize '.gTxt('preferences'), ($step == 'update' ? gTxt('preferences_saved') : ''));
echo hed('Write tab customize','2');
if ($step == 'update'){
// set function variables
$new_item = ps('new_item'); //variable
$new_item_position = ps('new_item_position'); //variable
$new_item_destination = ps('new_item_destination'); //variable
$new_item_sections = ps('new_item_sections'); //array
$new_item_class = ps('new_item_class'); //variable
$bot_wtc_script = ps('bot_wtc_script'); //variable
$static_sections = ps('static_sections'); //variable
$item = ps('item'); //array
$item_position = ps('item_position'); //array
$item_destination = ps('item_destination'); //array
$item_class = ps('item_class'); //array
$bot_wtc_id = ps('bot_wtc_id'); //array
$delete_id = ps('bot_delete_id'); //array
$bot_adv_items = ps('bot_adv_items'); //array
$bot_adv_sections = ps('bot_adv_sections'); //array
$bot_adv_class = ps('bot_adv_class'); //variable
// db update for existing items
if ($item){ // if at least a saved item exists
$db_values = bot_wtc_fetch_db(); // array of values from the db
for ($i = 0; $i < count($item); $i++){
// builds the posted variable name for current item sections
$item_posted_sections_name = 'bot_wtc_sections_for_id_'.$db_values[$i]['id'];
$item_sections = isset($_POST[$item_posted_sections_name]) ? $_POST[$item_posted_sections_name] : ''; //array
// builds sections string for current item
$item_sections_string = $item_sections ? implode('|', $item_sections): '';
// allowed input data combinations
if (($item[$i] && $item_destination[$i] && $item_position[$i])
|| ($item[$i] && $item_class[$i] && !$item_destination[$i] && !$item_position[$i])
|| ($item[$i] && $item_sections_string && !$item_destination[$i] && !$item_position[$i])) {
// check if a column/region is linked with a non-column item BUT ONLY IF both items are set (otherwise couldn't apply i.e. class to a single region)
if (!((bot_wtc_is_region($item[$i]) XOR bot_wtc_is_region($item_destination[$i])) && $item_destination[$i])){
// check if item is different from destination
if($item[$i] != $item_destination[$i]){
"position = '"
."', destination = '"
."', item = '"
."', sections = '"
."', class = '"
."'", "id = '".$bot_wtc_id[$i]."'");
else {
echo bot_warning('same_item_warning');
else {
echo bot_warning('region_warning');
else {
echo bot_warning('combo_warning');
// db insert for new item
// allowed input combinations
if (($new_item && $new_item_destination && $new_item_position)
|| ($new_item && $new_item_class && !$new_item_destination && !$new_item_position)
|| ($new_item && $new_item_sections && !$new_item_destination && !$new_item_position)){
// check if a column is linked with a non-column item
if (!((bot_wtc_is_region($new_item) XOR bot_wtc_is_region($new_item_destination)) && $new_item_destination)){
// check items are not the same
if($new_item != $new_item_destination){
// transforms the sections array in a string
$new_item_sections_string = $new_item_sections ? implode('|', $new_item_sections) : '';
"position = '"
."', destination = '"
."', class = '"
."', sections = '"
."', item = '"
else {
echo bot_warning('same_item_warning');
else {
echo bot_warning('td_warning');
elseif ($new_item || $new_item_destination || $new_item_position || $new_item_class || $new_item_sections){
echo bot_warning('combo_warning');
if ($delete_id){ // checks if there is something to delete
foreach ($delete_id as $id) {
safe_delete('bot_wtc', 'id ="'.$id.'"' );
// update advanced preferences
if ($bot_adv_items AND ($bot_adv_sections || $bot_adv_class)) { // check if item AND section OR class is selected
$db_values = bot_wtc_fetch_db(); // first array: all values from db
if ($bot_adv_sections) {
$bot_db_sections = array(); // more specific array: only item => sections
for ($i =0; $i < count($db_values); $i++) {
$bot_db_sections[$db_values[$i]['item']] = $db_values[$i]['sections'];
foreach ($bot_adv_items as $item) { // iterates posted items
// fetch -if any- existing sections from db for current item and merges arrays eliminating duplicates
if (is_array($bot_db_sections) AND array_key_exists($item, $bot_db_sections)) {
$db_sect_array = explode('|', $bot_db_sections[$item]);
$final_array = array_unique(array_merge($db_sect_array, $bot_adv_sections));
$bot_adv_sections_string = implode('|', $final_array); // new sections string
else {
$bot_adv_sections_string = implode('|', $bot_adv_sections);
"sections = '"
"item = '".doslash($item)."'"
if ($bot_adv_class) {
$bot_db_classes = array(); // more specific array: only item => classes
for ($i =0; $i < count($db_values); $i++) {
$bot_db_classes[$db_values[$i]['item']] = $db_values[$i]['class'];
foreach ($bot_adv_items as $item) { // iterates posted items
// fetch -if any- existing class from db for current item and merges arrays eliminating duplicates
if (is_array($bot_db_classes) AND array_key_exists($item, $bot_db_classes)) {
$db_class_array = explode(' ', $bot_db_classes[$item]);
$posted_class_array = explode(' ', $bot_adv_class);
$final_array = array_unique(array_merge($db_class_array, $posted_class_array));
$bot_adv_classes_string = implode(' ', $final_array); // new sections string
else {
$bot_adv_classes_string = $bot_adv_class;
"class = '"
"item = '".doslash($item)."'"
elseif ($bot_adv_sections || $bot_adv_class) {
echo bot_warning('no_items_warning');
// updates static sections prefs
if ($static_sections) {
$static_sections_string = implode('|', $static_sections);
safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= "'.doslash($static_sections_string).'", html="text_input" ', 'name = "bot_wtc_static_sections"' );
// updates script prefs
if ($bot_wtc_script) {
safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= \''.doslash($bot_wtc_script).'\', html=\'textarea\' ', 'name = \'bot_wtc_script\'' );
if (bot_wtc_check_install()) { // what to show when accessing tab
$bot_wtc_script = safe_field('val', 'txp_prefs', 'name = "bot_wtc_script"'); // fetch prefs value for bot_wtc_script
echo n.t.'<div class="txp-layout-textbox">'; // main div
echo '<p id="bot_controls" class="nav-tertiary">
<a id="bot_expand_all" class="navlink" href="#">Expand all</a>
<a id="bot_collapse_all" class="navlink" href="#">Collapse all</a>
<a id="bot_advanced_open" class="navlink" href="#">Toggle advanced</a>
echo n.t.bot_advanced();
echo n.t.'<div id="bot_main">'; // main div
echo form( // beginning of the form
'<table id="bot_wtc_table" class="txp-list">' // beginning of the table
.hcell(strong(gTxt('Hide in:')))
.hcell() // collapse all/show all)
.bot_wtc_output_rows() // html rows generated by "bot_wtc_output_rows()"
.'</table>' // end of the table
.n.'<section role="region" class="txp-details" id="bot_static_sections" aria-labelledby="bot_static_sections-label">' // static sections
.n.'<h3 id="bot_static_sections-label" class="txp-summary expanded">'
.n.'<a class="bot_push toggle" role="button" href="#bot_static_sections-details" aria-expanded="true">Hide sections in sections dropdown</a>'
.n.'<div id="bot_static_sections-details" class="bot_collapse">'
.n.'<section role="region" class="txp-details" id="bot_js_box" aria-labelledby="bot_js_box-label">' // js code box
.n.'<h3 id="bot_js_box-label" class="txp-summary expanded">'
.n.'<a class="bot_push toggle" href="#" role="button" href="#bot_js_box-details" aria-expanded="true">Additional js code</a>'
.n.'<div id="bot_js_box-details" class="bot_collapse">'
.n.'<a id="bot_js_link" href="#">Add external script</a> | <a id="bot_jq_link" href="#">Add Jquery script</a>'
.n.'<textarea id="bot_wtc_script" name="bot_wtc_script" cols="60" rows="10">'.$bot_wtc_script.'</textarea>' // script textarea
// snippets to insert in the script box
$bot_jquery_snippet = '<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n $(document).ready(function() {\n //your code here\n });\n<\/script>\n';
$bot_js_snippet = '<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"path_to_script\"><\/script>\n';
// add some jquery action
'<script type="text/javascript">'.n.
' $(document).ready(function() {'.n.
' $(this).toggleClass("bot_arrow").parent().next().slideToggle();'.n.
' return false;'.n.
' $("div.bot_collapse").slideUp();'.n.
' return false;'.n.
' $("div.bot_collapse").slideDown();'.n.
' return false;'.n.
' $("section#bot_advanced").slideToggle();'.n.
' $("div#bot_main").toggle();'.n.
' return false;'.n.
' $(this).parent().parent().find("input").attr("checked", true);'.n.
' return false;'.n.
' $(this).parent().parent().find("input").attr("checked", false);'.n.
' return false;'.n.
' var areaValue = $("#bot_wtc_script").val();'.n.
' $("#bot_wtc_script").val(areaValue + "'.$bot_jquery_snippet.'");'.n.
' return(false);'.n.
' var areaValue = $("#bot_wtc_script").val();'.n.
' $("#bot_wtc_script").val(areaValue + "'.$bot_js_snippet.'");'.n.
' return(false);'.n.
' });'.n.
// ===========================================================
// plugins output
// ===========================================================
// css for the plugin tab under extensions
function bot_wtc_css() {
global $event;
// Output css only in 'bot_wtc' extensions tab.
if($event != 'bot_wtc_tab') {
echo '<style type="text/css">
#bot_main {
margin: auto; width:800px;
#page-bot_wtc_tab h2 {
text-align: center; margin:20px auto; padding-bottom:10px;
#bot_controls {
margin: 20px auto;
#bot_controls a{margin-right:-5px}
#bot_advanced_open {
#bot_wtc_table {
padding:10px 0 20px; margin-left:0;
#bot_wtc_table td {
#bot_wtc_table td p{margin:3px 0 0 0}
#bot_advanced {}
width:260px; float:left; margin-bottom:20px;
#bot_js_box-details {
padding:0 20px;
#bot_wtc_script {
width:100%; border:dotted #ccc 1px;
.bot_update_button {
margin:20px 0; clear:both;
#bot_uninstall {
#bot_install {
margin: auto; width:800px;
.bot_hilight {
a.bot_push {
font-weight:bold; background: url(txp_img/arrowupdn.gif) no-repeat right bottom; padding-right:13px;
#bot_warning {
text-align:center; background:#990000; color:#fff; margin: 20px auto; padding:10px; text-shadow:none;
// ===========================================================
// builds array of sections to hide
function bot_hide_per_section_array()
$db_values = bot_wtc_fetch_db(); // array of values from the db
for ($i =0; $i<count($db_values); $i++) {
if ($db_values[$i]['sections']) {
$sections_to_hide = explode('|', $db_values[$i]['sections']);
foreach ($sections_to_hide as $section) {
$bot_hide_per_section[$section][] = $db_values[$i]['item'];
if (isset($bot_hide_per_section)) { // return array only if values exist
return $bot_hide_per_section;
// ===========================================================
// js rows dealing with items to hide on section change AND on page load
function bot_wtc_jquery_hide_sections_rows()
$bot_hide_per_section = bot_hide_per_section_array();
foreach ($bot_hide_per_section as $section => $fields) {
echo n.' if (value=="'.$section.'"){'.n;
for ($i =0; $i<count($fields); $i++) {
echo ' '.$fields[$i].'.hide();'.n;
echo ' }'.n;
// ===========================================================
// js rows to restore every previously hidden item on section change
function bot_wtc_jquery_restore_rows()
$bot_hide_per_section = bot_hide_per_section_array();
foreach ($bot_hide_per_section as $section => $fields) {
for ($i =0; $i<count($fields); $i++) {
$out[] = $fields[$i];
$out = array_unique($out);
foreach ($out as $value) {
echo ' '.$value.'.show();'.n;
// ===========================================================
// builds the script
function bot_hide_per_section()
global $event;
if($event !== 'article') {
$bot_hide_per_section = bot_hide_per_section_array();
// output js only if values exist
if ($bot_hide_per_section) {
'<script type="text/javascript">'.n.
' $(document).ready(function() {'.n;
' $("select#section").change(function(){'.n;
' var value = $("select#section").val();';
' }).change();'.n.
' });'.n.
// ===========================================================
// invisible sections in section list
function bot_hidden_sections()
global $event;
if($event !== 'article') {
// fetch prefs value for bot_wtc_static_sections
$bot_hidden_sections = safe_field('val', 'txp_prefs', 'name = "bot_wtc_static_sections"');
// output js only if values exist
if ($bot_hidden_sections) {
$sections = explode("|", $bot_hidden_sections);
'<script type="text/javascript">'.n.
' $(document).ready(function() {'.n;
foreach ($sections as $value) {
echo ' $("select#section option:not(:selected)[value=\''.$value.'\']").remove();'.n;
' });'.n.
// ===========================================================
function bot_wtc_jquery_rows()
global $bot_items;
// array of values from the db
$db_values = bot_wtc_fetch_db();
$rows = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <count($db_values); $i++)
$item = ($db_values[$i]['item'] != '') ? $db_values[$i]['item'] : '';
$position = ($db_values[$i]['position'] != '') ? '.'.$db_values[$i]['position'] : '';
$destination = ($db_values[$i]['destination'] != '') ? '('.$db_values[$i]['destination'].')' : '';
$class = ($db_values[$i]['class'] != '') ? '.addClass("'.$db_values[$i]['class'].'")' : '';
$row = $item.$position.$destination.$class.';'.n;
$rows .= $row;
return $rows;
// ===========================================================
function bot_wtc()
// fetch prefs value for bot_wtc_script
$bot_wtc_script = safe_field('val', 'txp_prefs', 'name = "bot_wtc_script"');
// fetch 'position' from db to check if a move is saved
$position = safe_column('position', 'bot_wtc', '1=1');
// fetch 'class' from db to check if a class is saved
$class = safe_column('class', 'bot_wtc', '1=1');
// output code only if a preference is saved
if(isset($position) || isset($class)){
'<script type="text/javascript">'.n.
' $(document).ready(function() {'.n.
' });'.n.
if ($bot_wtc_script) {
echo n.$bot_wtc_script.n;