adi_cat_menu - Category & article menu
Written by Adi Gilbert
Released under the GNU General Public License
Version history:
0.6 - TXP 4.6 tag registration
0.5 - new attribute: 'list_empty_cats' (for floodfish)
- new attributes 'list_id' & 'list_id_prefix' (for floodfish)
- new attributes: 'wraptag', 'wraptag_id', 'wraptag_class'
- new attribute: 'active_parent' (for kbarlow)
0.4 - new adi_cat_menu attributes: 'link' (for jpdupont), 'article_form' & 'rss_article_form' (for floodfish)
- enhancement: extended 'categories' & 'exclude' functionality to section sensitive mode
- fix: suppress empty <ul></ul> (e.g. when no categories found in section sensitive mode) (for jpdupont)
0.3 - enhancement: restored 'section', 'this_section' attributes & extended functionality to cover article lists
- enhancement: restored 'exclude' attribute functionality
- enhancement: restored 'categories' attribute functionality
- new adi_cat_menu attribute: 'section-sensitive'
0.2 - enhancement: rss_unlimited_categories mode
- help: updated instructions regarding article <li> active class
- help: documented "sort' attribute
0.1 - initial release
// TXP 4.6 tag registration
if (class_exists('\Textpattern\Tag\Registry')) {
global $thing,$atts,$txp407;
$txp407 = version_compare($prefs['version'], '4.0.7', '>=');
function adi_cat_menu_articles($category,$wraptag='',$article_attr='') {
// retrieve articles using <txp:article_custom /> or <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_article_list /> tags
global $rss_unlimited,$s,$section,$this_section,$txp407,$article_form,$rss_article_form;
$article_attr == '' ? // any article_custom attributes specified?
$attr = '' :
$attr = ' '.$article_attr;
// set default "all sections" attribute
if ($rss_unlimited)
$section_attribute = ' section="*"';
$section_attribute = '';
if ($section) // explicit section specified
$section_attribute = ' section="'.$section.'"';
if ($this_section) // current section required
$section_attribute = ' section="'.$s.'"';
$rss_unlimited ?
$article_list = trim(parse('<txp:rss_unlimited_categories_article_list category="'.$category.'"'.$attr.' '.$section_attribute.' form="'.$rss_article_form.'" />')) :
$article_list = trim(parse('<txp:article_custom category="'.$category.'"'.$attr.' '.$section_attribute.' form="'.$article_form.'" />'));
if ($article_list == "")
return '';
else // articles found
if ($wraptag == "")
return $article_list;
return tag($article_list,$wraptag,'');
function adi_cat_menu_if($atts, $thing) {
// for use in the Form to identify the active article
// copy of TXP 4.0.7 if_article_id
global $thisarticle, $pretext;
'id' => $pretext['id'],
), $atts));
if ($id)
return parse(EvalElse($thing, in_list($thisarticle['thisid'], $id)));
function adi_cat_menu($atts) {
// <txp:adi_cat_menu /> tag
global $prefs,$s,$c,$thisarticle,$rss_unlimited,$section,$this_section,$txp407,$article_form,$rss_article_form;
'class' => 'cat_menu', // class applied to top level <ul>
'menu_id' => '', // CSS ID for top level <ul>
'active_class' => 'active_class', // class applied to active <li>
'parent' => '', // category parent
'categories' => '', // list of categories to include
'exclude' => '', // list of categories to exclude
'restrict' => '', // category1 or category2
'sort' => '', // category sort options
'link' => '1', // output categories as links
'messy_url' => '0', // force links to be output in messy URL format
'list_id' => '0', // output <li> IDs or not
'list_id_prefix' => 'cat_menu_', // <li> ID prefix
'article_attr' => '', // attributes to pass to article_custom
'article_form' => 'adi_cat_menu_articles', // form to use with article_custom
'active_only' => '0', // only show articles in currently active category
'active_parent' => '0', // apply active class to category <li> when in individual article mode (SHOULD BE DEFAULT BEHAVIOUR?)
'rss_unlimited' => '0', // rss_unlimited_categories mode
'rss_article_form' => 'adi_cat_menu_rss_articles', // form to use with rss_unlimited_categories_article_list
'section' => '', // link categories to specified section
'this_section' => '', // link categories to current section (overrides 'section')
'section_sensitive' => '0', // display categories only that have articles belonging to specified 'section' or 'this_section'
'list_empty_cats' => '1', // display empty categories (i.e. categories that have no articles)
'type' => 'article', // leftover from TXP category_list
'wraptag' => '', // wrap a tag around the menu
'wraptag_class' => 'menu_wrapper', // class for wraptag
'wraptag_id' => '', // id for wraptag
'debug' => '0',
), $atts));
// set up the basics
//$break = 'li';
//$wraptag = 'ul';
$sort = doSlash($sort);
$include_list = '';
if ($categories) {
$include_list = do_list($categories);
$include_list = join("','",doSlash($include_list));
$exclude_list = '';
if ($exclude) {
$exclude_list = do_list($exclude);
$exclude_list = join("','",doSlash($exclude_list));
// debug action
if ($debug) {
echo "VERSIONS";
echo '<pre>';
$version = safe_field("version", "txp_plugin", "name='adi_cat_menu'");
$status = safe_field("status", "txp_plugin", "name='adi_cat_menu'");
echo __FUNCTION__.': '.(empty($version)?'not installed':$version.($status?' (active)':' (not active)')).'<br/>';
echo 'TXP: '.$prefs['version'].($txp407 ? ' (4.0.7+)' : ' (pre-4.0.7)').'<br/>';
echo 'PHP: '.phpversion().'<br/>';
echo 'MySQL: '.mysql_get_server_info();
echo '</pre>';
echo "CURRENT CATEGORY = $c<br/>";
echo "CURRENT SECTION = $s<br/>";
echo "INITIAL INCLUDE LIST = $include_list<br/>";
echo "INITIAL EXCLUDE LIST = $exclude_list<br/>";
// here we go
if ($section_sensitive) {
if ($this_section) // current section required, override $section
$section = $s;
// set some cbs_category_list attribute values
$showcount = FALSE;
$sticky = FALSE;
$posted = '';
// some clever stuff from cbs_category_list
if ($section == 'default') {
$table = ', `'.PFX.'txp_section` AS s';
$sqlsection = 's.name AND s.on_frontpage = 1';
else {
$table = '';
$sqlsection = "'$section'";
// process cbs_category_list attributes
$parent = ($parent) ? " AND c.parent = '$parent'" : '';
$showcount = ($showcount == 'true') ? ', COUNT(*) AS count' : '';
$sticky = ($sticky == 'true') ? '5' : '4';
switch($posted) {
case 'all':
$posted = '';
case 'future':
$posted = ' AND t.Posted >= now()';
$posted = ' AND t.Posted < now()';
// I did these bits!
$sort ?
$sort = ' ORDER BY c.'.$sort :
$sort = ' ORDER BY c.name asc';
if ($include_list)
$include_list = " AND c.name IN ('$include_list')";
if ($exclude_list)
$exclude_list = " AND c.name NOT IN ('$exclude_list')";
// some magic SQL from cbs_category_list (with some include/exclude extras)
$rs = startRows(
'SELECT c.name, c.title'.$showcount.' FROM `'.PFX.'txp_category` AS c, `'.PFX.'textpattern` AS t'.$table
.' WHERE (c.name = t.Category1 OR c.name = t.Category2)'
.' AND c.type = \'article\' AND t.Section = '.$sqlsection.$parent.$posted
.' AND t.Status = '.$sticky.' GROUP BY c.name'.$sort
else { // not section sensitive
if ($parent) // exclude parent from list
if ($exclude_list) // combine parent & exclude list
$exclude_list = $exclude_list.','.$parent;
else // just exclude parent
$exclude_list = $parent;
if ($debug) echo "NEW EXCLUDE LIST = $exclude_list";
// based on code from TXP 4.0.6 category_list tag
if ($exclude_list) {
$exclude_list = "AND name NOT IN ('$exclude_list')";
if ($parent) {
$qs = safe_row('lft, rgt', 'txp_category', "name = '".doSlash($parent)."'",$debug);
if ($qs) {
$rs = safe_rows_start('name, title', 'txp_category',
"(lft between $lft and $rgt) and type = '".doSlash($type)."' and name != 'default' $exclude_list order by ".($sort ? $sort : 'lft ASC'),$debug);
else if ($include_list) { // explicit list of categories supplied
$rs = safe_rows_start('name, title', 'txp_category',
"type = '".doSlash($type)."' and name in ('$include_list') order by ".($sort ? $sort : "field(name, '$include_list')"),$debug);
else { // empty parent attribute (= all categories)
$rs = safe_rows_start('name, title', 'txp_category',
"type = '$type' and name not in('default','root') $exclude_list order by ".($sort ? $sort : 'name ASC'),$debug);
// if parent category not found then we fail in same way as TXP category_list with "Undefined variable: rs" - COULD DO BETTER?
if ($rs) {
$out = array();
empty($class) ? // set up <ul> class
$ul_class = '' :
$ul_class = ' class="'.$class.'"';
empty($menu_id) ? // set up <ul> ID
$ul_id = '' :
$ul_id = ' id="'.$menu_id.'"';
$empties = '';
// determine which categories current article belongs to (if individual article mode) or generate emmpty list if not
$article_cats = array();
if (!empty($thisarticle)) { // individual article being displayed
if ($debug) {
// get current article's category(ies) (single article) (from TXP if_article_category tag)
if (!empty($thisarticle['category1'])) $article_cats[] = $thisarticle['category1'];
if (!empty($thisarticle['category2'])) $article_cats[] = $thisarticle['category2'];
$article_cats = array_unique($article_cats);
if ($debug) {
echo 'CURRENT ARTICLE\'S CATEGORIES ('.$thisarticle['title'].'):';
// work through retrieved list of categories
while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
extract($a); // extract category's $name & $title
if ($debug) {
echo 'CATEGORY '.$title.':';
if ($name) { // i.e. category name
// set section for category link (if this_section set then current section, else use supplied section)
$section = ($this_section) ? ( $s == 'default' ? '' : $s ) : $section; // note: default = ''
$title = htmlspecialchars($title);
// determine if current category is active (can't tell if individual article being displayed)
// note use of strcasecmp - category names can be in different case if permanent link mode in TXP 4.0.5 is not messy!
$active_category = (strcasecmp($c, $name) == 0);
// determine if category is parent to individual article
$parent_category = FALSE;
if (!empty($article_cats)) { // contains individual article's categories (if any) - empty if not individual article display mode
$parent_category = (!(array_search($name,$article_cats) === FALSE));
if ($debug && $parent_category) echo 'PARENT OF CURRENT ARTICLE<br/><br/>';
// set <li> class: IF active_class attribute set AND (category currently active OR (active_parent_category attribute set AND category is parent of active individual article))
$li_class = ($active_class AND ($active_category OR ($active_parent AND $parent_category))) ?
' class="'.$active_class.'"' :
$list_id ?
$li_id = ' id="'.$list_id_prefix.$title.'"' :
$li_id = '';
$li_tag = '<li'.$li_class.$li_id.'>';
$messy_url ?
$cat_url = hu.'?c='.$name : // messy URL
$cat_url = pagelinkurl(array('s' => $section, 'c' => $name)); // render link according to Permanent Link Mode
$link ?
$a_tag = '<a href="'.$cat_url.'">'.$title.'</a>' :
$a_tag = $title;
// determine whether to list articles or not
$list_articles = TRUE; // default setting
if ($active_only)
$list_articles = $active_category || $parent_category; // list articles if category is active or is parent of current individual article
if ($list_articles) {
$articles_found = trim(adi_cat_menu_articles($name,'ul',$article_attr));
if (!$articles_found && $debug) $empties .= ' '.$title;
$articles_found = '';
if ($list_empty_cats || (!$list_empty_cats && $articles_found)) // generate category list item
$out[] = $li_tag.$a_tag.$articles_found.'</li>';
if ($debug) echo '<hr />';
if ($debug) $empties = '<li>[Empties: '.$empties.']</li>';
if ($out) { // it's a wrap
$out = '<ul'.$ul_class.$ul_id.'>'.$empties.join($out).'</ul>';
if ($wraptag) { // double wrapped for your protection
$wrap_attr = '';
if ($wraptag_id) $wrap_attr .= ' id="'.$wraptag_id.'"';
if ($wraptag_class) $wrap_attr .= ' class="'.$wraptag_class.'"';
$out = tag($out,$wraptag,$wrap_attr);
return $out;
return '';
return '';